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How to use Lexical Analysis

The following code fragments are taken from an example that implements a simple Reverse Polish Notation calculation engine.

A TLex object may be constructed as an empty object, from another TLex, or from an existing string as below.

TInt RPNCalc(const TDesC& aCommand, TReal& aReturnValue)
    TLex input (aCommand) ;

Code can then proceed to move through the TLex data to:

input.Mark() ; // Remember where we are.
input.SkipCharacters() ; // Move to end of character token.
if ( input.TokenLength() != 0 ) // if valid potential token
    TPtrC token = input.MarkedToken() ; // then extract token
    if ( token.CompareF(KTextMemset == 0) // and test.

Analysis can also be done by character using functions that move through the TLex data, extracting, returning and jumping specified character lengths. For example:

// ensure we are looking at a digit or sign
if (!(input.Peek().IsDigit() || (input.Peek() == '.') ) )
    return KErrNotFound ;
// deal with sign
if (input.Peek() == '+')

Additionally, numeric conversion functions permit a variety of numeric formats to be extracted from the TLex data, with provision for conversion using the most common number systems (radixes).

if (input.Val(extractUint) == KErrNone)
else if (input.Val(extractReal) == KErrNone)

where stack, is an instance of a class implementing a stack.