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Category: KERN

These panics represent errors which cause the Kernel itself to panic. Many of the panics in this category are raised in debug builds only.


This panic is raised in debug builds only.

This panic is raised when the when the current thread attempts to read from a chunk using RChunk::Read(), and the target descriptor is too small.


This panic is raised when a process is created; the panic occurs if the length of the file name of the executable being loaded, is greater than the maximum as defined by the constant KMaxOsName, defined in e32std.h.


This panic is raised in debug builds only.

This panic is raised when completing an outstanding request to a logical channel; the panic occurs when the number of requests has been exceeded, i.e. when the number is greater than or equal to KMaxRequests defined in k32std.h.


This panic is raised in debug builds only.

This panic is raised when completing an outstanding request to a logical channel; the panic occurs when the request number is invalid. Specifically, the panic occurs in a call to the Complete() member function of a DLogicalChannel.


This panic is raised in debug builds only.

This panic is raised when completing an outstanding request to a logical channel; the panic occurs when the channel request is not pending. Specifically, the panic occurs in a call to the Complete() member function of a DLogicalChannel.


This panic is raised when queuing an absolute timer to the second queue; the panic occurs when a delta timer is already pending.


This panic is raised by the Kernel side timer object, a DTimer, if a request for relative timer is being made through the After() member function and the specified time interval is negative.


This panic is raised in debug builds only.

This panic is raised when an error occurs creating the second queue during boot.


This panic is raised in debug builds only.

This panic is raised by the WakeUp() member function of TTickQ, called after the machine wakes up; the panic occurs if the second queue has counted down to zero.


This panic is raised when a server program makes a request to receive a message, i.e. when it calls the Receive() member function of RServer, the handle to the Kernel side server object. The panic occurs when a receive message request has previously been made and is still outstanding.


This panic is raised when creating a heap in the stack chunk for a user thread, from within the Kernel i.e. by calling RUserHeap::ChunkHeapL(); the panic occurs when the specified minimum heap length is greater than the specified maximum heap length.


This panic is raised when creating a heap in the stack chunk for a user thread, from within the Kernel i.e. by calling RUserHeap::ChunkHeapL(); the panic occurs when the specified minimum heap length is negative.


This panic is raised when creating a heap in the stack chunk for a user thread, from within the Kernel i.e. by calling RUserHeap::ChunkHeapL(); the panic occurs when the specified maximum heap length is negative.


This panic is raised when compressing all chunks which have heaps; the panic occurs when a heap compression fails


Withdrawn in 6.0: This panic is raised when a server completes a client initiated DisConnect request; the panic occurs when the kernel side session object's access count is not equal to 1.


This panic is raised by the Enlarge(), ReduceSize() and the MediaDriver() member functions a TLocDrv when there is no media for this drive.


This panic is raised when enlarging or reducing the size of the media, by calling the Enlarge() or ReduceSize() member function of DMedia. The panic occurs if the driver has not been opened.


This panic is raised when attempting to open a media driver for each DMedia object associated with the specified device, by calling the Open() member function of DMedia. The panic occurs if any of the drivers are already open.


This panic is raised in debug builds only.

This panic is raised when a remote thread read/write operation fails because the specified address is not mapped for the target thread.


This panic is raised in debug builds only.

This panic is raised by Kern::SetIdleCallBack() when an idle callback function has already been set.


This is panic is raised when creating a DMediaDriver object from within Kern::LocalMediaSyncRead(), Kern::LocalMediaSyncWrite() or Kern::LocalMediaSyncFormat() and the media number is out of range.


This panic is raised by DPowerModel::RemovePowerHandler() when the specified power handler's power requirement is not zero.


This panic is raised by Power::SetPowerModel() when a power model has already been installed.


This panic is raised in debug builds only.

This panic is raised when adding the power handler to the power model though a call to Power::AddPowerHandler(), and the power model does not exist.


This panic is raised in debug builds only.

This panic is raised when removing the power handler from the power model though a call to Power::RemovePowerHandler(), and the power model does not exist.


This panic is raised in debug builds only.

This panic is raised by a call to Kern::PBusController() when there is no peripheral bus controller.


Introduced in 6.0:

This panic is raised by Power::UnlockPowerState() if the lock count becomes negative, implying more calls to this function than to Power::LockPowerState().