TSglQue<class T>
To manage a singly linked list of CAnyClass
create a TSglQue
TSglQue<CAnyClass> queHeader(_FOFF(CAnyClass,iLink));
In this code fragment, queHeader
is the header for a
singly linked list of CAnyClass
elements. The offset of the link
object from the beginning of CAnyClass
is calculated using the
The CAnyClass
class contains a declaration for the
link object at a suitable point.
class CAnyClass : CBase
//... class members
TSglQueLink iLink;
//... class members
The offset value is normally set on construction of the singly linked list header using the appropriate constructor. Alternatively, the default constructor may be used and then followed by a call to SetOffset():
TSglQue<CAnyClass> queHeader;
If this technique is used, then the offset value must be set before any elements are added to the list.