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About the UI Control Framework

The UI Control framework provides a framework for creating user interface controls; a framework for applications to handle user interface events; and environment utilities for control creation and access to windowing functionality.

The framework, which was formerly referred as CONE, has been built upon in each of the Symbian releases. In ER5 the API consisted of the stack priority flag, control stack and error enums, CCoeAppUi, CCoeAppUiBase, CCoeAppUiSimple, MCoeControlContext, MCoeControlBrushContext, CCoeControl, MCoeControlObserver, TKeyResponse, TDrawNow, TCoeWinPriority, CTRL, EAllStdModifiers, TActivePriority, CCoeEnv and ConeUtils

In ER5u context sensitivity and other classes were added to the API. The additional items are: CCoeBrushAndPenContext, TCoeColorUse, TCoeContextName, and TCoeHelpContext.

In version 6.0 DFRD releases support was added for Front-end processors (FEPs). The items added to the API were: NewFepL, SynchronouslyExecuteSettingsDialogL, MCoeObserverOfLoadedFep, MCoeFocusObserver, MCoeForegroundObserver, MCoeMessageObserver, CCoeStatic, TCoeInputCapabilities. Large parts of the FEP framework were actually added in ER5, and enhanced in ER5u. However these were included for testing purposes and may be considered to be internal to Symbian in those releases.