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Font definition file


This document describes the structure of the font definition file, including the font bitmap, typeface and font store file definitions.


Changes since EPOC R5

Unicode characters can be used in font name strings. Details are given below.


Font definition file structure

A font definition file consists of a statement list, which defines bitmaps, typefaces and font store files.

whole-file : statement-list statement : font-bitmap-statement| typeface-statement| font-store-file-statement

The font definition file is characterised by:


“” #include ari16.gdf

“” #include roman11.bdf

cl /P /EP
 fnttran tfont.i tfont.gdr


Font bitmap definition

font-bitmap-statement : FontBitmap font-bitmap-label Uid uid [ Bold ] [ Italic ] [ Proportional ] MaxNormalCharWidth char-width CellHeight cell-height Ascent ascent code-section-clause EndFontBitmap

A font bitmap is characterised by:

The diagram below shows the @ character (font: Arial). It has a width of 16 pixels (maximum), height 16 pixels and ascent 11 pixels.

Code section

code-section-clause : CodeSection code-point-start:code-point-end char-clause-list EndCodeSection

A code section defines the bitmaps for characters in the range code-point-start to code-point-end. Each character in this range is defined by a char-clause. Successive char-clauses define successive characters in ascending numerical order through the range. There must be precisely the required number of char-clauses, (code-point-end - code-point-start + 1).

char-clause : Char character-code [ Adjust left-adjust right-adjust ] char-pixel-line-definition-list EndChar

Each character is defined by an optional left adjust and/or right adjust, and then a series of pixel lines. The number of character lines defined between Char and EndChar must be equal to zero or cell-height.

Pixel line definitions

A char-pixel-line-definition consists of a sequence of period and asterisk characters. A period represents a white pixel, and an asterisk represents a pixel which forms part of the character itself.

Each pixel line definition in a char-clause must be the same length.

For example, this is the definition for the g character (Font: Times New Roman, 20 pixel, Bold Italic Proportional):

Char 103 Adjust -1 0 ! 'g'

The char-pixel-line-definition-list always starts with the topmost row of pixels in the character cell. The lines continue downwards for every row of pixels until the definition contains cell-height rows.

Font bitmaps stored as .gdr files

A KFontStoreFileVer9Uid is used to identify the filetype. These files are conventionally incorporated in font definition files by using #include.


Typeface definition

typeface-statement : Typeface typeface-label Name typeface-name[ Symbol ] [ Proportional] [ Serif ] FontBitmaps font-bitmap-reference-list EndFontBitmaps EndTypeface

The Typeface statement defines a typeface and gives it a label, typeface-label.

The typeface also has a full name typeface-name.

typeface-name : string

The typeface may be a symbol typeface Symboland/or proportional Proportional and/or serif Serif. If Symbolis not stated then the typeface is normal. If Proportionalis not stated then the typeface is monospaced. If Serifis not stated then the typeface is sans-serif.

A typeface contains several font bitmaps, each defined by a reference:

font-bitmap-reference : uid| font-bitmap-label[ WidthFactor width] [ HeightFactor height]

The uid form refers to the font bitmap identified by its UID, as specified in the UIDclause of the font-bitmap-statement. The font bitmap must be accessible to the font bitmap server when this typeface is used at run-time. Typically, the uid form is used to refer to fonts which are guaranteed to be in the ROM, but are not in this compilation unit, for example, the tiny fonts.

The font-bitmap-label form refers to a font bitmap that has previously been defined, using a FontBitmapstatement with that label, in this compilation unit. The font bitmap may be algorithmically enlarged by n-tupling the width using WidthFactorwidth, and/or n-tupling the height using HeightFactorheight. This avoids the need for too many font bitmap definitions. The example below shows a normal and WidthFactor 2 character, (font: Times New Roman, 20 pixel, Bold Italic Proportional):

Note that a font bitmap does not have to be incorporated into a typeface to be accessible to the font and bitmap server.


Font store file definition

font-store-file-statement : FontStoreFile CollectionUid uidKPixelAspectRatio aspect-ratio CopyrightInfo copyright-info EndCopyrightInfo Typefaces typeface-label-list EndTypefacesEndFontStoreFile

The FontStoreFile statement defines a destination font store file. The font store file is identified by its collection UID uid. NB. The UID must be specified in decimal, rather than in the OPL-style, &xxxsyntax.

A font store file contains several typefaces, each defined by a typeface-label. The typeface-label refers to a previously defined typeface, in this compilation unit.

Copyright information is specified in the copyright clause — any number of lines of text, each of which must be surrounded by quotes ("), between the CopyrightInfoand EndCopyrightInfo keywords.

The aspect-ratio identifier gives the aspect ratio of the device for which the font is designed (1000*PixelHeightInTwips/PixelWidthInTwips).


Bitmap distribution format files

Fnttran supports BDF V2.2 but without the support for multiple writing directions as this is not supported by EPOC. The characters must be listed in order of Unicode encoding. The name of the font, following FONT, is the label used to identify the individual font bitmap when the typefaces are constructed. Some additional keyword should be supplied in thePROPERTIES section of the BDF file however.

Uid 999999 // A uid enabling the font bitmap to be requested
MaxNormalCharWidth 12 // The maximum normal width of characters in pixels.
MaxConsecutiveFillChars 0

The final keyword (MaxConsecutiveFillChars) is optional and controls whether breaks are made between code sections when there are missing characters in the input BDF file.

See further details of bdf format.