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GDB stub command line syntax gdbstub.exe


The GDB stub is an on-target executable which uses debugging hooks provided by the Symbian platform to provide the debugging API expected by the GNU debugger (GDB).

If the Symbian command shell ESHELL is present on the target device, the stub can be launched using the syntax given in the following section. The command line flags are primarily used to configure the way that the GDB stub communicates with the host. If ESHELL is not present on the target device the GDB stub may be initialised using a configuration file.


Command line syntax

gdbstub [-fPddName] | [-lLddName] | [-cCommsModule] | [-pPortNumber] | [-bRate] | [-h] | [-i | -z]

For example, for a serial connection on device port 2 with a connection rate of 9600 baud, the command line syntax file is:

gdbstub -fEUART%d -lECOMM -cECUART -p2 -b9600

For an IR connection through port 2 at the same rate simply replace the -c flag line as shown below:

gdbstub -fEUART%d -lECOMM -cIRCOMM -p2 -b9600



Sets the physical device driver PddName to be loaded.

A %d can be included in the name and is automatically substituted with the port number (as specified in the -pPortNumber argument).

By default this is EUARTPortNumber, e.g. a serial cable connection.


Sets the logical device driver LddName to load.

By default this is ECOMM.


Sets the comms module (CSY) to load.

CommsModule is ECUART for the serial cable connection, or IRCOMM for the IR port. By default it is ECUART.


Sets the port number.

By default this is zero.


Sets the port speed, in baud.

By default this is 115200.


Display help information.


Sets Interactive mode.

Outputs are logged to the screen in a text console. In this mode it is possible to exit gdbstub by pressing 'q' twice. It is also possible to interrupt the debuggee by pressing 'i'.

This is the default mode for the Cogent and Brutus Boards, and the 5mx Pro. Background mode is the default for all other platforms.


Sets Background mode

In this mode outputs are logged to the file c:\gdbstub\log.txt.