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How to create a .pdr file

The usual method for creating a printer driver .pdr file involves coding the printer driver specification as a text file, a .pd file, and then compiling this file using the pdrtran tool. See the command line syntax and the .pdr file syntax.

As an example, the EPSON printer driver specification is coded as follows:

! Printer driver file for Epson printers

Resources Resources
    Reset "<27>@<27>T<1><27>6<27>x<1><27>R<0>"
    SetPageSize "<27>C<0>%c"
! <27>l<0> left margin to zero
! <27>N<0> no bottom margin
! <27>+<2> 180 lines per inch
! <27>x<1> letter quality
    PreAmble "<10><27>l<0><27>N<0><27>+<2><27>x<1>"
    PostAmble "<12><27>@"
    BoldOn "<27>E"
    BoldOff "<27>F"
    ItalicOn "<27>4"
    ItalicOff "<27>5"
    UnderlineOn "<27>-<1>"
    UnderlineOff "<27>-<0>"
    StrikethroughOn "<27>(-<03><00><01><02><01>"
    StrikethroughOff "<27>(-<03><00><01><02><00>"
    NewPage "<12><10>"
    IncrementXPos "<27>\%w"
    IncrementYPos "<27>J%c" ! maximum 255/180 of an inch
    CarriageReturn "<13>"
    BitmapStart "<27>*<39>%w"
    BitmapEnd "<13>"

Translates Page850ToWindows
    130:44 ! low quotation mark mapped to comma
    132:44 ! double low quotation marks mapped to comma
    133:46 ! ellipses mapped to full stop
    135:32 ! Double dagger mapped to space
    136:94 ! mapped to circumflex accent
    137:32    ! per mille sign mapped to space
    138:83    ! S with caron mapped to S.
    139:174    ! single left pointing angle quotation mark mapped to double
    140:32    ! Capital OE ligature mapped to space
        145:39 ! left single quotation mark mapped to apostrophe
    146:39 ! right single quotation mark mapped to apostrophe
    147:34 ! left double quotation mark mapped to quotation mark
    148:34 ! right double quotation mark mapped to quotation mark
    149:250    ! bullet
    150:45 ! en-dash mapped to hyphen-minus
    151:45 ! em-dash mapped to hyphen-minus
    152:246 ! small tilde mapped to tilde
    153:"<27>R<64><126><27>R<0>" ! Trademark symbol
    154:115 ! s with caron mapped to s
    155:175    ! single right pointing angle quotation mark mapped to double
    156:32    ! small oe ligature    mapped to space

    159:89    ! Y with diaeresis mapped to Y
    160:32 ! no-break space mapped to space
    161:173    ! Inverted excl. mark
    162:189    ! cent sign
    163:156    ! Pound sign
    164:"<27>R<5><36><27>R<0>"    ! currency symbol
    165:"<27>R<8><92><27>R<0>"    ! Yen symbol
    166:124    ! Vertical bar
    167:"<27>R<64><64><27>R<0>"    ! Section sign
    168:"<27>R<1><126><27>R<0>"        ! diaeresis
    169:"<27>R<64><123><27>R<0>"    ! Copyright symbol
    170:166    ! Feminine ordinal indicator
    173:45    ! Soft hyphen mapped to hyphen-minus
    174:"<27>R<64><124><27>R<0>"    ! Registered sign
    175:238    ! Macron
    179:252    ! Superscript 3
    180:239    ! Acute accent
    181:230    ! Micro sign
    182:"<27>R<64><94><27>R<0>"    ! Pilcrow sign
    183:250    ! Middle dot
    184:247    ! Cedilla
    185:251    ! Superscript 1
    190:32    ! Three quarters mapped to space
    192:183    ! A grave
    193:181    ! A acute
    194:182    ! A circumflex
    195:199    ! A tilde
    200:212    ! E grave
    204:73    ! I grave mapped to I
    205:214    ! I acute
    206:215    ! I circumflex
    207:216    ! I diaeresis
    208:209    ! ETH mapped to D
    210:227    ! O grave
    211:224    ! O acute
    212:226    ! O circumflex
    213:229    ! O tilde
    215:158    ! Multiplication sign
    216:"<27>R<9><92><27>R<0>"    ! O with stroke
    217:235    ! U with grave
    218:233    ! U acute
    219:234    ! U circumflex
    221:237    ! Y acute
    222:232    ! Capital thorn
    223:"<27>R<2><126><27>R<0>"    ! small sharp S
    227:198    ! a tilde
    240:208    ! Small letter eth
    245:228    ! o tilde
    248:"<27>R<9><124><27>R<0>"    ! Small o with stroke
    253:236    ! y acute
    254:231    ! small letter thorn

FontInfo Prop
    MaxNormalCharWidth 21
    Ascent 20
    CodeSection 32:127
     33:9 34:15 35:15 36:15 37:18 38:18 39:9 40:12
     41:12 42:15 43:15 44:9 45:15 46:9 47:15 48:15
     49:15 50:15 51:15 52:15 53:15 54:15 55:15 56:15
     57:15 58:9 59:9 60:15 61:15 62:15 63:15 64:18
     65:18 66:18 67:18 68:18 69:18 70:18 71:18 72:18
     73:12 74:15 75:18 76:18 77:21 78:18 79:18 80:18
     81:18 82:18 83:18 84:18 85:21 86:18 87:21 88:18
     89:18 90:15 91:12 92:15 93:12 94:15 95:15 96:9
     97:15 98:18 99:15 100:18 101:15 102:12 103:18 104:18
    105:9 106:12 107:18 108:9 109:21 110:18 111:15 112:18
    113:18 114:15 115:15 116:12 117:18 118:18 119:21 120:15
    121:18 122:15 123:12 124:9 125:12 126:15 127:18
    CodeSection 130:140
    130:9 131:15 132:9 133:9 134:18 135:15 136:15
    137:15 138:18 139:15 140:15
    CodeSection 145:156
    145:9 146:9 147:15 148:15 149:15 150:15 151:15
    152:15 153:18 154:15 155:15 156:15
    CodeSection 159:255
    159:18 160:15 161:15 162:15 163:15 164:15 165:18
    166:9 167:15 168:15 169:18 170:15 171:15 172:15
    173:15 174:18 175:15 176:15 177:15 178:15 179:15
    180:9 181:15 182:15 183:15 184:15 185:15 186:15
    187:15 188:15 189:15 190:15 191:15
    192:18 193:18 194:18 195:18 196:18 197:18 198:21
    199:18 200:18 201:18 202:18 203:69 204:12 205:12
    206:12 207:12    208:18 209:18 210:18 211:18 212:18
    213:18 214:18 215:15 216:15 217:21 218:21 219:21
    220:21 221:18 222:18 223:18 224:15 225:15 226:15
    227:15 228:15 229:15 230:21 231:15 232:15 233:15
    234:15 235:15 236:9 237:9 238:9 239:9 240:18
    241:18 242:15 243:15 244:15 245:15 246:15 247:15
    248:15 249:18 250:18 251:18 252:18 253:18 254:18 255:18

FontInfo DoubleProp
    MaxNormalCharWidth 42
    Ascent 40
    CodeSection 32:127
     33:18 34:30 35:30 36:30 37:36 38:36 39:18 40:24
     41:24 42:30 43:30 44:18 45:30 46:18 47:30 48:30
     49:30 50:30 51:30 52:30 53:30 54:30 55:30 56:30
     57:30 58:18 59:18 60:30 61:30 62:30 63:30 64:36
     65:36 66:36 67:36 68:36 69:36 70:36 71:36 72:36
     73:24 74:30 75:36 76:36 77:42 78:36 79:36 80:36
     81:36 82:36 83:36 84:36 85:42 86:36 87:42 88:36
     89:36 90:30 91:24 92:30 93:24 94:30 95:30 96:18
     97:30 98:36 99:30 100:36 101:30 102:24 103:36 104:36
    105:18 106:24 107:36 108:18 109:42 110:36 111:30 112:36
    113:36 114:30 115:30 116:24 117:36 118:36 119:42 120:30
    121:36 122:30 123:24 124:18 125:24 126:30 127:36
    CodeSection 130:140
    130:18 131:30 132:18 133:18 134:36 135:30 136:30
    137:30 138:36 139:30 140:30
    CodeSection 145:156
    145:18 146:18 147:30 148:30 149:30 150:30 151:30
    152:30 153:36 154:30 155:30 156:30
    CodeSection 159:255
    159:36 160:30 161:30 162:30 163:30 164:30 165:36
    166:18 167:30 168:30 169:36 170:30 171:30 172:30
    173:30 174:36 175:30 176:30 177:30 178:30 179:30
    180:18 181:30 182:30 183:30 184:30 185:30 186:30
    187:30 188:30 189:30 190:30 191:30
    192:36 193:36 194:36 195:36 196:36 197:36 198:42
    199:36 200:36 201:36 202:36 203:69 204:24 205:24
    206:24 207:24    208:36 209:36 210:36 211:36 212:36
    213:36 214:36 215:30 216:30 217:42 218:42 219:42
    220:42 221:36 222:36 223:36 224:30 225:30 226:30
    227:30 228:30 229:30 230:42 231:30 232:30 233:30
    234:30 235:30 236:18 237:18 238:18 239:18 240:36
    241:36 242:30 243:30 244:30 245:30 246:30 247:30
    248:30 249:36 250:36 251:36 252:36 253:36 254:36 255:36

FontInfo CourierC10
    MaxNormalCharWidth 12
    Ascent 20
    CodeSection 0:255

FontInfo Courier10
    MaxNormalCharWidth 15
    Ascent 20
    CodeSection 0:255

FontInfo CourierE10
    MaxNormalCharWidth 18
    Ascent 20
    CodeSection 0:255

FontInfo CourierC20
    MaxNormalCharWidth 24
    Ascent 40
    CodeSection 0:255

FontInfo Courier20
    MaxNormalCharWidth 30
    Ascent 40
    CodeSection 0:255

FontInfo CourierE20
    MaxNormalCharWidth 36
    Ascent 40
    CodeSection 0:255

TypefaceFonts Elite
     Name "Elite" Serif
   Translates Page850ToWindows
        Height 210 ! 10 point
        Normal Prop
        Bold Prop
        Italic Prop
        BoldItalic Prop
        Command "<27>k<2><27>w<0><27>W<0><27>p<1>"
        Height 420 ! 21 point
        Normal DoubleProp
        Bold DoubleProp
        Italic DoubleProp
        BoldItalic DoubleProp
        Command "<27>k<2><27>w<1><27>W<1><27>p<1>"

TypefaceFonts Roman
    Name "Roman" Proportional Serif
    Translates Page850ToWindows
        Height 210
        Normal Prop
        Bold Prop
        Italic Prop
        BoldItalic Prop
        Command "<27>k<0><27>w<0><27>W<0><27>p<1>"
        Height 420
        Normal DoubleProp
        Bold DoubleProp
        Italic DoubleProp
        BoldItalic DoubleProp
        Command "<27>k<0><27>w<1><27>W<1><27>p<1>"

TypefaceFonts SansSerif
    Name "Sans Serif" Proportional
    Translates Page850ToWindows
        Height 210
        Normal Prop
        Bold Prop
        Italic Prop
        BoldItalic Prop
        ! sans serif single-width, single height
        Command "<27>k<1><27>w<0><27>W<0><27>p<1>"
        Height 420
        Normal DoubleProp
        Bold DoubleProp
        Italic DoubleProp
        BoldItalic DoubleProp
        ! sans serif double-width, double height
        Command "<27>k<1><27>w<1><27>W<1><27>p<1>"

TypefaceFonts Courier
    Name "Courier" Serif
    Translates Page850ToWindows
        Height        200    ! 12cpi
        Normal Courier10
        Bold Courier10
        Italic Courier10
        BoldItalic Courier10
        Command "<27>k<2><27>p<0><27><77><18><27>w<0><27>W<0>"
        Height        400    ! 6cpi
        Normal Courier20
        Bold Courier20
        Italic Courier20
        BoldItalic Courier20
        Command "<27>k<2><27>p<0><27><77><18><27>w<1><27>W<1>"

TypefaceFonts CourierCompressed
    Name "Courier (compressed)" Serif
    Translates Page850ToWindows
        Height        200    ! 15cpi
        Normal CourierC10
        Bold CourierC10
        Italic CourierC10
        BoldItalic CourierC10
        Command "<27>k<2><27>p<0><27><103><18><27>w<0><27>W<0>"
        Height        400    ! 8cpi
        Normal CourierC20
        Bold CourierC20
        Italic CourierC20
        BoldItalic CourierC20
        Command "<27>k<2><27>p<0><27><103><18><27>w<1><27>W<1>"

TypefaceFonts CourierExpanded
    Name "Courier (expanded)" Serif
    Translates Page850ToWindows
        Height        200    ! 10cpi
        Normal CourierE10
        Bold CourierE10
        Italic CourierE10
        BoldItalic CourierE10
        Command "<27>k<2><27>p<0><27><80><18><27>w<0><27>W<0>"
        Height        400    ! 5cpi
        Normal CourierE20
        Bold CourierE20
        Italic CourierE20
        BoldItalic CourierE20
        Command "<27>k<2><27>p<0><27><80><18><27>w<1><27>W<1>"

Model EpsonLQ860
    Name "Epson LQ-860" RequiresPrinterPort
    Uid 268435817
    Flags 1
! 1 Landscape not available
    Resources Resources
    KPixelWidth 8000 ! Twips = 180 dots per inch
    KPixelHeight 8000
    PortraitOffset 22 90 ! Pixels
    LandscapeOffset 22 90
    MinMarginLeft 22 ! Pixels
    MinMarginRight 22
    MinMarginTop 90
    MinMarginBottom 90
    DisplayMode Gray2

Model CitizenPN60
    Name "Citizen PN60" RequiresPrinterPort
    Uid -1610611287
    Flags 1
! 1 Landscape not available
    Resources Resources
    KPixelWidth 8000 ! Twips = 180 dots per inch
    KPixelHeight 8000
    PortraitOffset 22 90 ! Pixels
    LandscapeOffset 22 90
    MinMarginLeft 22 ! Pixels
    MinMarginRight 22
    MinMarginTop 90
    MinMarginBottom 90
    DisplayMode Gray2

Model CanonBubblejetLQ
    Name "Canon Bubblejet (LQ mode)" RequiresPrinterPort
    Uid 268439229
    Flags 1
! Landscape not available
    Resources Resources
    KPixelWidth 8000 ! Twips = 180 dots per inch
    KPixelHeight 8000
    PortraitOffset 23 90 ! Pixels
    LandscapeOffset 23 90
    MinMarginLeft 23 ! Pixels
    MinMarginRight 23
    MinMarginTop 90
    MinMarginBottom 90
    DisplayMode Gray2

    PDLName "Epson"
    PDLUid 268435820