N-Gage Emulation Docs

Work in Progress by @loociano, last update on June 2017




System Specs

Memory Map

Virtual Address Map:

0x0040 0000 - 0x2FFF FFFF  : User Data
0x3000 0000 - 0x3FFF FFFF  : Static data for Java
0x4000 0000 - 0x4000 1FFF  : Super page + CPU page
0x4001 0000 - 0x4001 0FFF  : Shadow RAM page temporary address
0x4100 0000 - 0x4100 3FFF  : Page Directory
0x4108 0000 - 0x4108 3FFF  : Page table info
0x4200 0000 - 0x423F FFFF  : Page tables
0x5000 0000 - 0x57FF FFFF  : ROM image
0x5800 0000 - 0x5EFF FFFF  : Memory-mapped I/O
0x5F00 0000 - 0x5FFF FFFF  : Video RAM
0x6000 0000 - 0x7FFF FFFF  : RAM
0x8000 0000 - 0xXXXX XXXX  : Kernel data/bss section
0xXXXX XXXX - 0xXXXX XXXX  : Reentrant/IRQ/FIQ/Null/Exception kernel stack
0xXXXX XXXX - 0xXXXX XXXX  : Fixed chunks data for ROM fixed processes
0xXXXX XXXX - 0xXXXX XXXX  : Kernel server heap and stack
0xXXXX XXXX - 0xXXXX XXXX  : Home Section / All Processes
0xXXXX XXXX - 0xXXXX XXXX  : RAM-loaded EXE & DLL code
0xFFF0 0000 - 0xFFFE FFFF  : Empty
0xFFFF 0000 - 0xFFFF FFFF  : Vectors




File Formats

File formats used by a single game


Use deark to extract images from .aif:

$ deark file.aif

Module: epocimage
Format: EPOC AIF
Error: Unsupported bits/pixel (1) for grayscale image
Writing output.000.png
Error: Unsupported bits/pixel (1) for grayscale image
Writing output.001.png

Use utility bmconv from SDK to extract images from .mbm:

$ bmconv /v images.mbm

BMCONV version 103.
images.mbm is a File store containing 3 bitmaps

Bitmap 1 information:
Pixel size 176 x 44
Twips size 352 x 88
24 Bpp Colour
24 bit RLE compression 72%

Bitmap 2 information:
Pixel size 176 x 44
Twips size 352 x 88
24 Bpp Colour
24 bit RLE compression 72%

Bitmap 3 information:
Pixel size 176 x 208
Twips size 263 x 311
24 Bpp Colour
24 bit RLE compression 15%

$ bmconv /u images.mbm 1.bmp 2.bmp 3.bmp

BMCONV version 103.
Epoc file: images.mbm

Bitmap file 1   : 1.bmp
Bitmap file 2   : 2.bmp
Bitmap file 3   : 3.bmp

E32Image Header


0x0000 Uid1
0x0004 Uid2
0x0008 Uid3
0x000c Check                // UID checksum
0x0010 Signature
0x0014 Cpu                  // 0x1000 = X86, 0x2000 = ARM, 0x4000 = M*Core
0x0018 CheckSumCode         // sum of all 32 bit words in .text
0x001c CheckSumData         // sum of all 32 bit works in .data
0x0020 Version (minor)
0x0022 Version (major)
0x0024 Timestamp (msb)
0x0028 Timestamp (lsb)
0x002c Flags                // 0 = exe, 1 = dll, +2 = no call entry points
0x0030 CodeSize             // size of code, import address table, constant data and export dir
0x0034 DataSize             // size of initialised data
0x0038 HeapSizeMin
0x003c HeapSizeMax
0x0040 StackSize
0x0044 BssSize
0x0048 EntryPoint           // offset into code of entry point
0x004c CodeBase             // where the code is linked for
0x0050 DataBase             // where the data is linked for
0x0054 DllRefTableCount     // filling this in enables E32ROM to leave space for it
0x0058 ExportDirOffset      // offset into the file of the export address table
0x005c ExportDirCount
0x0060 TextSize             // size of just the text section
0x0064 CodeOffset           // file offset to code section
0x0068 DataOffset           // file offset to data section
0x006c ImportOffset         // file offset to import section
0x0070 CodeRelocOffset      // relocations for code and const
0x0074 DataRelocOffset      // relocations for data
0x0078 Priority             // priority of this process


Bit 28-32: Import format
Bit 24-27: Header format
Bit 8-23: ???
Bit 5-7: Entry point type
Bit 3-4: ABI
Bit 2: Fixed address
Bit 1: Call entry point
Bit 0: Executable type     // 0 = exe, 1 = dll


Symbian OS uses Unique IDentifiers (UID) for identifying components. Each component is identified by three 32-bit UID inte- gers: UID1, UID2 and UID3.





Various authors



@tambry, @mrRosset, THC.org.