Provides system-wide storage for communications-related settings. It holds information about Internet Access Providers (IAPs), Internet Service Providers (ISPs), GPRS, modems, locations, charge-cards, proxies, and WAP settings.
Communications settings are written mostly by control panel communications applets, or other specialised communications setup applications. Communications settings are commonly read by other communications sub-systems, such as Networking, Telephony, and WAP.
CommDb stores the settings in a series of tables in a relational database, using the DBMS architecture. DBMS is a client/server architecture and provides for safe access by multiple clients.
The Communications database interface allows clients to access
the database, open its tables, and perform transactions. It is provided by
and its base class
Most database settings are read and written to by opening the
appropriate table. Table access is provided by
The type of tables are as follows:
IAP table: an Internet Access Point (IAP) defines sets of ISP and chargecard that can be used together
Location table: affects how telephone numbers are dialled
It is possible for several
instances of most of the tables (e.g. where multiple IAPs have been set up) to
exist in the database. The Connected preferences table sets a ranking by which such records are used. That table is accessed through its own view class CCommsDbConnectionPrefTableView