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Location: commdb.h
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Class CCommsDatabaseBase



Supported from 6.0


Base class for CCommsDatabase. This class is never instantiated, but its member functions are used through the derived class.


CBaseBase class for all classes to be instantiated on the heap
CCommsDatabaseBaseBase class for CCommsDatabase

Defined in CCommsDatabaseBase:
BeginTransaction(), CCommsDatabaseBase(), CancelRequestNotification(), CommitTransaction(), InTransaction(), IsDatabaseWriteLockedL(), OpenTableLC(), OpenViewLC(), OpenViewMatchingBoolLC(), OpenViewMatchingTextLC(), OpenViewMatchingUintLC(), RequestNotification(), ResolvePhoneNumberFromDatabaseL(), ResolvePhoneNumberL(), RollbackTransaction(), ShowHiddenRecords(), Version(), ~CCommsDatabaseBase()

Inherited from CBase:
operator new()

Construction and destruction




Default constructor.








TBool IsDatabaseWriteLockedL();


Tests if database is write locked.

Return value



Underlying DBMS version information


TVersion Version() const;


Gets the version of the underlying DBMS.

Return value


The object containing the version information.


Notification service


TInt RequestNotification(TRequestStatus& aStatus);


Requests notification when any change is made to the database, whether by this client or any other.

The request is an asynchronous request.

When any change is made to the database, the outstanding notification request completes and TRequestStatus contains a value indicating what type of change has occurred. The value is one of the enumerators of the RDbNotifier::TEvent enumeration defined in d32dbms.h.

Alternatively, if an outstanding notification request is cancelled by a call to this CCommsDatabase's CancelRequestNotification() member function, then the request completes with a KErrCancel.

An outstanding notification request is also cancelled if the connection to the DBMS is severed through a call to Close().


TRequestStatus& aStatus

A reference to the request status object. If the request is cancelled, this is set to KErrCancel. If the request completes normally, this is set to one of the enumerators of the RDbNotifier::TEvent enumeration.

Return value


KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.


void CancelRequestNotification();


Cancels an outstanding request for notification of changes to the communications database.

An outstanding request completes with KErrCancel.


Open views onto a table in the communications database


CCommsDbTableView* OpenTableLC(const TDesC& aTableName);


Opens a view onto a whole table and returns a pointer to that view.

The view excludes hidden records, unless access to them has previously been explicitly requested by calling the ShowHiddenRecords()member function of this object.

If the open process is succesful, the function constructs and returns a pointer to a CCommsDbTableView object which encapsulates the information on that view. The pointer is also put onto the cleanup stack.



const TDesC& aTableName

A reference to a descriptor containing the name of a table in the communications database.

Return value


A pointer to the view object.

Leave codes


The function may leave for a number of reasons, for example, if the table named in aTablename does not exist.


CCommsDbTableView* OpenViewMatchingUintLC(const TDesC& aTableName, const TDesC& aColumnToMatch, TUint32 aValueToMatch);


Opens a view onto a specified table based on a matching unsigned integer value, and returns a pointer to that view.

The view includes all those records where the column, identified byaColumnToMatch, matches the unsigned integer valueaValueToMatch.

The view excludes hidden records, unless access to them has previously been explicitly requested by calling the ShowHiddenRecords()member function of this object.

If the open process is succesful, the function constructs and returns a pointer to a CCommsDbTableView object which encapsulates the information on that view. The pointer is also put onto the cleanup stack.



const TDesC& aTableName

A reference to a descriptor containing the name of a table in the communications database.

const TDesC& aColumnToMatch

A reference to a descriptor containing the name of the column to be used in the selection process.

TUint32 aValueToMatch

The value to be matched with the content of columnaColumnToMatch.

Return value


A pointer to the view object.

Leave codes


The function may leave for a number of reasons, for example, if the table does not exist or the named column cannot be found.


CCommsDbTableView* OpenViewMatchingBoolLC(const TDesC& aTableName, const TDesC& aColumnToMatch, TBool aValueToMatch);


Opens a view onto a specified table based on a matching boolean value, and returns a pointer to that view.

The view includes all those records where the column, identified byaColumnToMatch, matches the boolean valueaValueToMatch.

The view excludes hidden records, unless access to them has previously been explicitly requested by calling the ShowHiddenRecords()member function.

If the open process is succesful, the function constructs and returns a pointer to a CCommsDbTableView object which encapsulates the information on that view. The pointer is also put onto the cleanup stack.



const TDesC& aTableName

A reference to a descriptor containing the name of a table in the communications database.

const TDesC& aColumnToMatch

A reference to a descriptor containing the name of the column to be used in the selection process.

TBool aValueToMatch

The value to be matched with the content of columnaColumnToMatch.

Return value


A pointer to the view object.

Leave codes


The function may leave for a number of reasons, for example, if the table does not exist or the named column cannot be found.


CCommsDbTableView* OpenViewMatchingTextLC(const TDesC& aTableName, const TDesC& aColumnToMatch, const TDesC8& aValueToMatch);


Opens a view onto a specified table based on a matching 8 bit text type, and returns a pointer to that view.

The view includes all those records where the column, identified byaColumnToMatch, matches the narrow text supplied in the descriptoraValueToMatch.

The view excludes hidden records, unless access to them has previously been explicitly requested by calling the ShowHiddenRecords()member function of this object.

If the open process is succesful, the function constructs and returns a pointer to a CCommsDbTableView object which encapsulates the information on that view. The pointer is also put onto the cleanup stack.


The function generates an SQL query to create the view.


const TDesC& aTableName

A reference to a descriptor containing the name of a table in the communications database.

const TDesC& aColumnToMatch

A reference to a descriptor containing the name of the column to be used in the selection process.

const TDesC8& aValueToMatch

The narrow (ASCII) text to be matched with the content of columnaColumnToMatch.

Return value


A pointer to the view object.

Leave codes


The function may leave for a number of reasons, for example, if the table does not exist or the named column cannot be found.


CCommsDbTableView* OpenViewMatchingTextLC(const TDesC& aTableName, const TDesC& aColumnToMatch, const TDesC16& aValueToMatch);


Opens a view onto a specified table based on a matching 16 bit text type, and returns a pointer to that view.

The view includes all those records where the column, identified byaColumnToMatch, matches the wide text supplied in the descriptoraValueToMatch.

The view excludes hidden records, unless access to them has previously been explicitly requested by calling the ShowHiddenRecords()member function of this object.

If the open process is succesful, the function constructs and returns a pointer to a CCommsDbTableView object which encapsulates the information on that view. The pointer is also put onto the cleanup stack.



const TDesC& aTableName

A reference to a descriptor containing the name of a table in the communications database.

const TDesC& aColumnToMatch

A reference to a descriptor containing the name of the column to be used in the selection process.

const TDesC16& aValueToMatch

The wide (UNICODE) text to be matched with the content of columnaColumnToMatch.

Return value


A pointer to the view object.

Leave codes


The function may leave for a number of reasons, for example, if the table does not exist or the named column cannot be found.


CCommsDbTableView* OpenViewLC(const TDesC& aTableName, const TDesC& aSqlQuery);


Opens a view onto a specified table based on an explicitly coded SQL query, and returns a pointer to that view.

The view includes all those records which match the SQL query supplied in the descriptor aSqlQuery. It is the caller's responsibility to code this query correctly.

As the SQL query is defined by the caller, the resulting view does not exclude hidden records unless explicitly stated in the query itself. To exclude hidden records, insert Hidden=0 as a search condition into the SQL query text.

If the open process is succesful, the function constructs and returns a pointer to a CCommsDbTableView object which encapsulates the information on that view. The pointer is also put onto the cleanup stack.


const TDesC& aTableName

A reference to a descriptor containing the name of a table in the communications database.

const TDesC& aSqlQuery

A reference to a descriptor containing the SQL query text

Return value


A pointer to the view object.

Leave codes


The function may leave for a number of reasons, for example, if the table does not exist or the named column cannot be found.


Transaction support


TInt BeginTransaction();


Marks the start of a transaction and gets a shared read-lock on the database. Other clients of the database can concurrently acquire a shared read-lock but no client can gain an exclusive write-lock until this transaction (and any transaction started by other clients) completes as a result of a call to either CommitTransaction()orRollbackTransaction().


Return value


KErrNone if the database has been successfully locked; the transaction can start. KErrLocked if another client already has an exclusive write-lock on the database.


TInt CommitTransaction();


Marks the end of a transaction and commits any changes made since the start of the transaction. The client's shared read-lock is removed if no write operations were performed, or the exclusive write-lock is removed if write operations were performed.

Return value


KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.


void RollbackTransaction();


Marks the end of a transaction and abandons any changes made since the start of the transaction. The database is, in effect, rolled back to the state it was in at the beginning of the transaction. The client's shared read-lock is removed if no write operations were performed, or the exclusive write-lock is removed if write operations were performed.


TBool InTransaction();


Tests whether a transaction is in progress, i.e. whether a call toBeginTransaction() has been called.

Return value


true, if a transaction is in progress; false, otherwise.


Hidden records


void ShowHiddenRecords();


Ensures that hidden records are included in the search criteria when creating views using the member functions:


Resolve phone number


static void ResolvePhoneNumberL(TDesC& aNumber, TDes& aDialString, TParseMode aDialParseMode, TUint32 aLocationId, TUint32 aChargecardId);


Resolves a telephone number based on a specified dialling location and chargecard. The function does not require a connection to the database server, but will form one itself.

The function does not resolve for mobile phones; aNumber is just copied to aDialString.


TDesC& aNumber

The number to be parsed.

TDes& aDialString

On return from the function, contains the parsed number.

TParseMode aDialParseMode

The parse mode: indicates whether the parsed string is intended for dialling or for display. This enumerator is defined in dial.h

TUint32 aLocationId

ID of the location record

TUint32 aChargecardId

ID of the chargecard ID to be used for resolution

Leave codes


Specified location and chargecard records cannot be found or with


aDialString is not long enough to hold the resolved number.


void ResolvePhoneNumberFromDatabaseL(TDesC& aNumber, TDes& aDialString, TParseMode aDialParseMode, TUint32 aLocationId, TUint32 aChargecardId);


Resolves a telephone number based on a specified dialling location and chargecard. A connection must already exist to the database.

The function does not resolve for mobile phones; aNumber is just copied to aDialString.


TDesC& aNumber

A reference to the descriptor containing the number to be parsed.

TDes& aDialString

A reference to a descriptor; on return from the function, contains the parsed number.

TParseMode aDialParseMode

The parse mode: indicates whether the parsed string is intended for dialling or for display. This enumerator is defined in dial.h

TUint32 aLocationId

ID of the location record

TUint32 aChargecardId

ID of the chargecard ID to be used for resolution

Leave codes


Specified location and chargecard records cannot be found or with


aDialString is not long enough to hold the resolved number.