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Link against: agnmodel.lib
Supported from 5.0
Provides a set of enquiry functions which allow read-only access to
most (but not all) of an entry's details. It is intended for use when you have
an instance ID, and want to access some details about the entry but without the
overhead of creating a CAgnEntry*
on the heap. Use
to get an instance of this
class. A call to GetLiteEntryL()
is also faster than a call to
because the details are obtained from memory and
not from the store.
Defined in TAgnLiteEntry
, AlarmTime()
, CrossedOutDate()
, DisplayInYearView()
, DisplayTime()
, Duration()
, EndDate()
, EntrySymbol()
, HasAlarm()
, HasDefaultDisplayTime()
, HasEntrySymbol()
, HasExceptions()
, Id()
, IsADayNote()
, IsAlarmSetFromDueDate()
, IsAlarmSetFromStartDate()
, IsCrossedOut()
, IsDated()
, IsNull()
, IsRepeating()
, IsStoredInline()
, IsTentative()
, Priority()
, RptDef()
, StartDate()
, TodoListId()
, Type()
CAgnEntry::TType Type() const;
Gets the entry type.
TTimeIntervalMinutes DisplayTime() const;
Gets the display time. The display time is the time at which the entry is displayed in dated views, as a number of minutes from midnight.
TBool HasDefaultDisplayTime() const;
Tests whether the entry uses the default display time.
TBool DisplayInYearView() const;
Tests whether the entry should be displayed in the year view.
TBool HasEntrySymbol() const;
Tests whether the entry has an entry symbol.
TBool IsRepeating() const;
Tests whether the entry is repeating.
const CAgnRptDef* RptDef() const;
Gets a pointer to the entry’s repeat details, including exceptions
TBool HasExceptions() const;
Tests whether or not a repeating entry has any repeat exceptions.
TBool IsADayNote() const;
Tests whether the entry is a day note.
TBool IsCrossedOut() const;
Tests whether the entry is crossed out.
TBool IsNull() const;
Tests whether the entry is NULL.
TBool IsStoredInline() const;
Tests whether the entry's rich text is stored inline (within the same stream as the entry), or out of line (in an embedded store).
TBool IsTentative() const;
Tests whether the entry is tentative (i.e. not yet confirmed).
TAgnTodoListId TodoListId() const;
Gets the ID of the to-do list to which the entry belongs. If the entry is not a to-do, then a NULL ID is returned.
TBool IsAlarmSetFromDueDate() const;
Tests whether the alarm date is set relative to the entry’s due date.
TBool IsAlarmSetFromStartDate() const;
Tests whether the alarm date is set relative to the entry’s start date.
TUint Priority() const;
Gets the priority of the to-do entry.
TTime CrossedOutDate() const;
Gets the to-do entry's crossed out date, i.e. the date on which the action required by the to-do entry was carried out. If the entry has no crossed out date (e.g. the entry is not a to-do), the function returns a NULL date.
TTimeIntervalDays AlarmDaysWarning() const;
Returns the number of days warning for the entry’s alarm. The number of days warning is a time interval in days and is the number of days before an entry’s start date, that the alarm is set to sound. Returns zero if the entry is not alarmed.
TTimeIntervalMinutes AlarmTime() const;
Returns the time of the alarm as a time interval in minutes from midnight.
TBool HasAlarm() const;
Tests whether the entry has an alarm.
TBool IsDated() const;
Tests whether the entry is dated. All entries are dated, except undated to-do entries.
TTime StartDate() const;
Gets the start date for the entry as a TTime
TTime EndDate() const;
Gets the end date for the entry as a
TTimeIntervalDays Duration() const;
Gets the duration of the entry. This is the difference in days between the start and end dates.