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Location: apparc.h
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Class CApaProcess



Supported from 5.0


Maintains a list of documents and all of the potentially shared resources used by documents.

This includes the application DLLs. The class also supplies utility functions that provide the basic structure for persisted document files.

The class deals with the loading of application DLLs and manages the creation and destruction of application (CApaApplication) objects and document (CApaDocument) objects.

The class is derived from by the UI framework and further derivation by the UI application is not necessary unless it needs to add extra utility functions for the use of applications.


CApaProcessMaintains a list of documents and all of the potentially shared resources used by documents
CBaseBase class for all classes to be instantiated on the heap

Defined in CApaProcess:
AddNewDocumentL(), CApaProcess(), ConstructL(), DestroyDocument(), FsSession(), MainDocFileName(), MainDocument(), NewL(), OpenNewDocumentL(), ReadAppIdentifierL(), ReadRootStreamLC(), ResetL(), SetMainDocFileName(), SetMainDocument(), TempFilePath(), WriteAppIdentifierL(), WriteRootStreamL(), ~CApaProcess()

Inherited from CBase:
operator new()

See also:

Construction and initialisation


static CApaProcess* NewL(const RFs& aFs,CApaAppFinder& aAppFinder);


Creates and returns a pointer to a new application process.

This function is not used by UI applications.


const RFs& aFs

Handle to a file server session.

CApaAppFinder& aAppFinder

An object for finding applications within the file system. This is not part of the public API. The process takes ownership of this object and takes responsibility for deleting it, even if the function leaves.

Return value


Pointer to the new application process.


protected: CApaProcess(const RFs& aFs,CApaAppFinder& aAppFinder);


Constructs the application process object with the specified file session handle and application finder.

Derived classes must define and implement a constructor through which both the file session handle and application finder object can be specified. A typical implementation calls this constructor through a constructor initialization list.

This constructor is used by the UI framework.


const RFs& aFs

Handle to a file server session

CApaAppFinder& aAppFinder

An object for finding applications within the file system. This is not part of the public API.


protected: void ConstructL();


Completes construction of the application process object.

Implementers of derived classes must call this function as part of the second stage construction of an object. Typically, derived classes implement their own NewL() function and call ConstructL() as part of that implementation.


void ResetL();


Resets the the application process to its initial state.

Specifically, it saves the main document, deletes the main and all embedded documents from memory, resets the main document filename and deletes all applications except the main application.

The function can leave if saving the main document fails.






Frees resources prior to destruction.

Documents must be saved before the application process is deleted, otherwise data may be lost.

In debug mode, the destructor raises an APPARC 6 panic if documents still exist, and an APPARC 5 panic if applications still exist.


General document management


CApaDocument* AddNewDocumentL(const TDesC& aDllFileName,TUid aDllUid=KNullUid);


Creates and adds a new document of the specified application type.

The document may be a main document or an embedded document.

The function creates a new application object, a CApaApplication type, if this is the first document of that type to be added.

The search strategy for the application DLL depends on the the specified file name and UID. If the full path name of a DLL is specified, then that DLL is located and loaded. If the full path name is not specified and a UID is specified, then a DLL matching that UID is located and loaded. If the full path name is not specified and the UID is null, then a DLL with matching filename is located and loaded.

The function leaves with KErrNotFound if no suitable application DLL can be found.

Any document created with this function must be destroyed using DestroyDocument().


const TDesC& aDllFileName

Filename of the application DLL.

TUid aDllUid

UID of the application. If this is not specified, the default is KNullUid.

Return value


A pointer to the new document.

See also:


CApaDocument* OpenNewDocumentL(CFileStore*& aStore,CStreamDictionary*& aStreamDic,const TDesC& aDocFullFileName,TUint aFileMode);


Opens the specified file and restores the content as a document.

The created document can be merged into another document or embedded in another document.

Any document created with this function must be destroyed using DestroyDocument().


CFileStore*& aStore

On return, this contains a pointer to the store object created during the restore.

CStreamDictionary*& aStreamDic

On return, this contains a pointer to the stream dictionary object created during the restore.

const TDesC& aDocFullFileName

The name of the file containing the document.

TUint aFileMode

The mode in which to open the file.

Return value


A pointer to the restored document.

See also:


void DestroyDocument(CApaDocument* aDoc);


Destroys the specified document.

All references to the document are removed, and associated resources are freed. Specifically, the function deletes any associated application and unloads the application DLL, provided that no other documents of that application type are still open.

All document objects created through CApaProcess must be deleted using this function.


CApaDocument* aDoc

A pointer to the document to be destroyed.

See also:


Main document management


CApaDocument* MainDocument() const;


Returns a pointer to the main document.

Return value


A pointer to the main document.


void SetMainDocument(CApaDocument* aDocument);


Sets the main document.


CApaDocument* aDocument

A pointer to the document to be set as the main document of the application process. This must be a an object created by the AddNewDocumentL() or OpenNewDocumentL() functions

See also:


TPtrC MainDocFileName() const;


Returns the filename of the main document.

Return value


A non-modifiable pointer descriptor to the main document filename. For non file-based applications, the length of this descriptor is zero.


void SetMainDocFileName(const TDesC& aMainDocFileName);


Sets the filename of the main document.


const TDesC& aMainDocFileName

The filename to be set. If the length of this descriptor is greater than KMaxFileName, then the function raises an APPARC 7 panic

See also:


Root stream handling and application identifiers


static CStreamDictionary* ReadRootStreamLC(RFs& aFs,CFileStore*& aStore,const TDesC& aDocFullFileName,TUint aFileMode);


Reads the stream dictionary contained as the root stream in the specified document file.

The function constructs, and returns a pointer to the stream dictionary object and puts the pointer to the stream dictionary object onto the cleanup stack. It also returns a pointer to the created file store object through an argument reference.

The file must be a valid document file, as indicated by the UID value(s), otherwise the function leaves with KErrCorrupt.


RFs& aFs

Handle to a file server session.

CFileStore*& aStore

On return, a pointer to the newly created file store object.

Const TDesC& aDocFullFileName

The full path name of the document file.

TUint aFileMode

The mode in which to open the file.

Return value


A pointer to the stream dictionary object read from the root stream of the store.

See also:


static void WriteRootStreamL(CPersistentStore& aStore,CStreamDictionary& aStreamDic,const CApaApplication& aApp);
static void WriteRootStreamL(CPersistentStore& aStore,CStreamDictionary& aStreamDic,const TApaAppIdentifier& aAppId);


Writes the application identifier stream followed by the stream dictionary to the store and makes the stream dictionary the root stream of the store.

Typically, the function is called by the application when it implements a file create or file save type operation. It is called after all model and UI data has been persisted. The IDs of the streams containing the model and UI data should have been lodged in the stream dictionary.

In effect, the function finishes off the file save or file create type operation, leaving the file containing the store in a valid state with the standard interface.


CPersistentStore& aStore

The store to which the root stream is to be written. Before calling this function, a reference to the store must be saved by putting a pointer onto the cleanup stack or by making it member data of a class - this ensures that it is not orphaned in the event of this function leaving.

CStreamDictionary& aStreamDic

The stream dictionary containing the locations and associated UIDs of other streams in the store.

const CApaApplication& aApp

The application used to create the main document in the file being written. The application identifier to be written is constructed from this application object.

const TApaAppIdentifier& aAppId

The application identifier to be written into the application identifier stream.


static TApaAppIdentifier ReadAppIdentifierL(const CStreamStore& aStore,const CStreamDictionary& aStreamDic);


Reads the application identifier from its stream in the specified store and returns it.

The location of the stream is found in the specified stream dictionary.


const CStreamStore& aStore

The store from which the application identifier should be read.

const CStreamDictionary& aStreamDic

The stream dictionary containing the stream ID of the application identifier stream. The stream dictionary can be found in the root stream of the store.

Return value


The application identifier.


static void WriteAppIdentifierL(CStreamStore& aStore,CStreamDictionary& aStreamDic,const TApaAppIdentifier& aAppId);


Writes the application identifier to a new stream in the specified store and records the location of this stream in the specified stream dictionary.


CStreamStore& aStore

The store to which the application identifier should be written.

CStreamDictionary& aStreamDic

The stream dictionary.

const TApaAppIdentifier& aAppId

The application identifier to be externalised to a stream.


File server session


RFs& FsSession() const;


Returns a handle to the file server session used by this application process.

Return value


The file server session.


Path for temporary files


TPtrC TempFilePath() const;


Returns the path of the directory in which temporary files should be created.

There is only one path for temporary files in the whole system, and this is just a convenient accessor to return its location.

Return value


The pathname of the directory.