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Location: d32dbms.h
Link against: edbms.lib

Class RDbNamedDatabase



Supported from 5.0


The interface for creating and opening a database identified by name and format.

For exclusive read/write or shared read/only access, the database is accessed on the client side through a file server session. For shared read/write access, the database must be accessed through a DBMS server session.


RDbDatabaseAbstract class providing the functionality of a database
RDbNamedDatabaseThe interface for creating and opening a database identified by name and format

Defined in RDbNamedDatabase:
Create(), EReadOnly, EReadWrite, Open(), Replace(), TAccess

Inherited from RDbDatabase:
AlterTable(), Begin(), ChangeSecurity(), Close(), ColSetL(), Commit(), Compact(), CreateIndex(), CreateTable(), Destroy(), DropIndex(), DropTable(), Execute(), InTransaction(), IndexNamesL(), IsDamaged(), KeyL(), Recover(), Rollback(), Size(), TSize, TableNamesL(), UpdateStats()

Create a database


TInt Create(RFs& aFs,const TDesC& aDatabase,const TDesC& aFormat=TPtrC(),CSecurityEncryptBase* aKey=0);


Creates a new database using the supplied format specification. The database must not already exist, otherwise the function fails.

On successful return, the database is open for exclusive read/write access by the client.

This function initiates client-side access to the database through a file server session and does not require a connection to the DBMS server.


RFs& aFs

A reference to a file server session through which the database is accessed.

const TDesC& aDatabase

A reference to a descriptor containing the name of the database.

const TDesC& aFormat=TPtrC()

A reference to a descriptor containing the format name of the database. The default format implies a Store database in the root stream of the named file.

CSecurityEncryptBase* aKey

A pointer to an encryption key (as returned , for example, from a call to CSecurityBase::NewEncryptL()). This is used to create authentication data in the database. The default value is NULL and implies an unencrypted database.

Return value


KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.


TInt Replace(RFs& aFs,const TDesC& aDatabase,const TDesC& aFormat=TPtrC(),CSecurityEncryptBase* aKey=0);


Creates a database using the supplied format specification and replaces any existing database with the same name. On successful return, the database is open for exclusive read/write access by the client.

This function initiates client-side access to the database through a file server session and does not require a connection to the DBMS server.


RFs& aFs

A reference to a file server session through which the database is accessed.

const TDesC& aDatabase

A reference to a descriptor containing the name of the database.

const TDesC& aFormat

A reference to a descriptor containing the format name of the database. The default format implies a Store database in the root stream of the named file.

CSecurityEncryptBase* aKey

A pointer to an encryption key (as returned , for example, from a call to CSecurityBase::NewEncryptL()); this is used to create authentication data in the database The default value is NULL and implies an unencrypted database.

Return value


KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.


Open a database


TInt Open(RFs& aFs,const TDesC& aDatabase,const TDesC& aFormat=TPtrC(),CSecurityDecryptBase* aKey=0,TAccess aMode=EReadWrite);


Opens a database for client side access using the supplied format specification. On successful return, the database is open for either exclusive read/write access or shared read/only access by the client, as determined by the file access mode aMode.

This function initiates client-side access to the database through a file server session and does not require a connection to the DBMS server.


RFs& aFs

A reference to a file server session through which the database is accessed.

const TDesC& aDatabase

The name of the database.

const TDesC& aFormat

The format name of the database. The default format implies a Store database in the root stream of the named file.

CSecurityDecryptBase* aKey

A pointer to a decryption key which should match the database encryption key. The default value is NULL and implies an unencrypted database.

TAccess aMode

The access mode. The default is exclusive read/write mode.

Return value


KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.


TInt Open(RDbs& aDbs,const TDesC& aDatabase,const TDesC& aFormat=TPtrC(),CSecurityDecryptBase* aKey=0);


Opens a database, using the supplied format specification, through a DBMS server session.

On successful return, the database can be shared by multiple threads where at least one of them needs write access.


RDbs& aDbs

A reference to a session with the DBMS through which the database is accessed.

const TDesC& aDatabase

The name of the database.

const TDesC& aFormat

The format name of the database. The default format implies a Store database in the root stream of the named file.

CSecurityDecryptBase* aKey

A pointer to a decryption key which should match the database encryption key. The default value is NULL and implies an unencrypted database.

Return value


KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.



Enum TAccess



Defines the required access mode when opening a database for client side access through a file server session.


The database is to be opened in exclusive read/write mode.


The database is to be opened in shared read-only mode.