Link against: egul.lib
Supported from 6.0
Draws a border around a control.
The rectangular areas enclosed by borders are typically working areas of the graphics context so the class supplies a number of methods which describe how it occupies the area.
A distinction between descriptive and logical borders is made. For
descriptive borders the appearance of the border is known and fixed. The type
of border drawn is determined by flags which describe how it is to be
constructed. These flags can be combined to achieve many different effects, and
standard combinations have been supplied (see the TBorderType
enumeration). For logical borders the use of the border is known and fixed but
the appearance is not specified. The appearance and sizing functions must be
supplied in custom written code.
Defined in TGulBorder
, BorderInnerRect()
, BorderMargins()
, BorderRounding()
, Depth()
, Draw()
, DrawBottomRight()
, DrawInline()
, DrawInvertedTwoStep()
, DrawOneStep()
, DrawOutline()
, DrawRectOutline()
, DrawRoundedBottomRight()
, DrawRoundedCorner()
, DrawRoundedTopLeft()
, DrawThreeStep()
, DrawTopLeft()
, DrawTwoStep()
, EAddFourPixels
, EAddFourRoundingPixels
, EAddOnePixel
, EAddOneRoundingPixel
, EAddTwoPixels
, EAddTwoRoundingPixels
, EContainerFamily
, EControlFamily
, EDeepRaised
, EDeepRaisedWithOutline
, EDeepSunken
, EDeepSunkenWithOutline
, EDottedOutline
, EFlat
, EFlatContainer
, EFlatControl
, EFocusedRaisedControl
, EFocusedSunkenControl
, EHorizontalBar
, EInvertedTwoStep
, ENone
, EOneStep
, ERaised
, ERaisedContainer
, ERaisedControl
, EShallowRaised
, EShallowSunken
, ESingleBlack
, ESingleDotted
, ESingleGray
, ESunken
, ESunkenContainer
, ESunkenControl
, EThickDeepRaisedWithOutline
, EThreeStep
, ETwoStep
, EVerticalBar
, EWindow
, EWindowFamily
, EWithInline
, EWithOutline
, HasBorder()
, InlineMargins()
, InlineRounding()
, InnerRect()
, InternalType()
, IsSunken()
, Margins()
, OuterRect()
, OutlineInnerRect()
, OutlineMargins()
, Rounding()
, RoundingMargin()
, SetAdjacent()
, SetType()
, SizeDelta()
, T3DStyle
, TBorderType
, TColors
, TConstructionStyle
, TGulBorder()
, TInlineStyle
, TLogicalFamily
, TLogicalType
, TOutlineStyle
, TRounding
, TThickness
, Thickness()
, TranslateLegacyTypes()
, Type()
, iType
Default constructor.
The border type is initialised to zero (i.e. no border).
TGulBorder(TBorderType aType);
Constructor with a border type.
TGulBorder(TBorderType aType,TGulAdjacent aAdjacent);
Constructor with a border type and an adjacency.
TGulBorder(TInt aType);
Constructor with a border type, specified as a
TGulBorder(TInt aType,TGulAdjacent aAdjacent);
Constructor with a border type, specified as a
, and a border adjacency.
void Draw(CGraphicsContext& aGc,const TRect& aRect) const;
Draws the border using a graphics context, inside a containing rectangle, and using default values for the border colours.
For details of the default border colours, see class
This function does nothing if the border type is
. If the border is a logical border, drawing is delegated to
its implementation of MGulLogicalBorder::Draw()
void Draw(CGraphicsContext& aGc,const TRect& aRect,const TColors& aBorderColors) const;
Draws the border using a graphics context, inside a containing rectangle, and using the border colours specified.
This function does nothing if the border type is
. If the border is a logical border, drawing is delegated to
its implementation of MGulLogicalBorder::Draw()
TRect InnerRect(const TRect& aOuterRect) const;
Returns the rectangular area enclosed by the border.
TRect OuterRect(const TRect& aInnerRect) const;
Returns the rectangular area required to accommodate the inner
rectangle aInnerRect
void SetType(TInt aType);
Sets the border type.
Descriptive borders use one of the values from the
enum. Logical borders use one of
values. Custom border types can
be created by selecting one value from each of the enums
, one or more values from
each of the enums
, one or more values from the
and ORing all these values
void SetAdjacent(TInt aAdjacent);
Sets the border adjacency.
No outline is drawn for border sides that are adjacent.
TSize SizeDelta() const;
Returns the size difference between the inner and outer rectangles of the border.
TMargins Margins() const;
Returns the border margins.
The border margins are four integers that represent the widths in pixels of the top, bottom, left and right hand sides of the border.
If the border is a logical border, then calculating the margins
is delegated to its implementation of
Otherwise, the margins are calculated by adding together the single pixel border outline, if present (this is zero for adjacent sides), the border thickness (containing the mid-tone highlights and lowlights), and the single pixel interior outline, if present.
TBool HasBorder() const;
Tests whether a border is present.
No border is present if its type is
TInt Adjacent() const;
Gets the border adjacency.
No outline is drawn for border sides that are adjacent.
TInt Type() const;
Gets the border type.
Represents the colours used within the border and for the optional single pixel border outlines.
These colours are stored using TRgb
An object of this type can be populated using
The colours used inside the border are derived from
, the border's background colour, so that border colours can
be lighter or darker shades of the colour used in the main body of the control
they enclose. Different combinations of light and dark shades are used to draw
opposite border sides, to achieve a raised or sunken effect.
Defined in TGulBorder::TColors
, iBack
, iDark
, iInternalBack
, iLight
, iLine
, iMid
, iMidlight
Default constructor.
Initialises the border colours to blacks, whites and greys. For details, see the following data members.
TRgb iLine;
The line colour.
This is the colour used to draw the outlines on either side
of the border. Not all border types have an outline. By default,
TRgb iBack;
The background colour for the border.
The other colours used in the border are derived from this.
By default, KRgbWhite
TRgb iLight;
The lightest colour.
By default, KRgbWhite
TRgb iMidlight;
The mid light colour.
This colour is midway between iBack
. By default, KRgbWhite
TRgb iMid
The mid dark colour.
This colour is midway between iBack
. By default, KRgbDarkGray
TRgb iDark;
The darkest colour.
By default, KRgbDarkGray
TRgb iInternalBack;
Not currently used.
By default, KRgbWhite
Defines the border outline style.
Note that not all border types have an outline.
Defines whether or not the border has a single pixel interior border.
By default there is none.
Defines the 3D border style.
Defines the border's construction style.
Defines the number of pixels to add to the border thickness.
The border thickness is the central part of the border, coloured in the mid-tone highlights and lowlights.
For two step-constructed borders, the additional pixels are only added to either the top left or bottom right hand sides.
Defines the number of pixels that are removed to produce rounded corners.
For logical borders, defines whether the border encloses a window, a container control or a control.
Defines the descriptive border types.
Defines the logical border types.
void DrawOutline(CGraphicsContext& aGc,const TRect& aRect,TRgb aColor) const;
This is internal and not intended for use.
void DrawRectOutline(CGraphicsContext& aGc,const TRect& aRect) const;
This is internal and not intended for use.
void DrawInline(CGraphicsContext& aGc,const TRect& aRect,TRgb aColor) const;
This is internal and not intended for use.
TRect OutlineInnerRect(const TRect& aOuterRect) const;
This is internal and not intended for use.
TRect BorderInnerRect(const TRect& aOuterRect) const;
This is internal and not intended for use.
void DrawOneStep(CGraphicsContext& aGc,const TRect& aRect,TRgb aMidlight,TRgb aMid) const;
This is internal and not intended for use.
void DrawTwoStep(CGraphicsContext& aGc,const TRect& aRect,TRgb aLight,TRgb aMidlight,TRgb aMid,TRgb aDark) const;
This is internal and not intended for use.
void DrawInvertedTwoStep(CGraphicsContext& aGc,const TRect& aRect,TRgb aLight,TRgb aMidlight,TRgb aMid,TRgb aDark) const;
This is internal and not intended for use.
void DrawThreeStep(CGraphicsContext& aGc,const TRect& aRect,TRgb aBack,TRgb aLight,TRgb aMidlight,TRgb aMid,TRgb aDark) const;
This is internal and not intended for use.
void DrawTopLeft(CGraphicsContext& aGc,const TRect& aRect,TRgb aColor,const TInt aRounding) const;
This is internal and not intended for use.
void DrawRoundedTopLeft(CGraphicsContext& aGc,const TRect& aRect,const TInt aRounding) const;
This is internal and not intended for use.
void DrawBottomRight(CGraphicsContext& aGc,const TRect& aRect,TRgb aColor,const TInt aRounding) const;
This is internal and not intended for use.
void DrawRoundedBottomRight(CGraphicsContext& aGc,const TRect& aRect,const TInt aRounding) const;
This is internal and not intended for use.
void DrawRoundedCorner(CGraphicsContext& aGc,const TPoint& aStart,const TInt aRoundedLength, const TBool aUp, const TBool aRight) const;
This is internal and not intended for use.
TInt RoundingMargin(const TInt aRoundedLength) const;
This is internal and not intended for use.
TInt iType;
This is internal and not intended for use.