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Location: agmmodel.h
Link against: agnmodel.lib

Class CAgnEntryModel



Supported from 5.0


Provides the interface through which the data stored in an agenda file can be accessed. It is the base class for the indexed model, CAgnIndexedModel and for the instance model, CAgnModel.

For an application to access the data in an agenda file, it must open an agenda model at run-time. There are three different types of agenda model: —

If the entry model is used, the agenda data can be accessed as entries. There are four types of entry: —

Agenda entries are stored in an entry store, to-do lists are stored in a list of to-do lists. Both the entry store and the list of to-do lists are owned by the model.

The agenda model can be used in client mode or in normal mode. Client mode means that the model is a client of the agenda server. When in client mode, all model function calls which access data in the file make an asynchronous request to the server. This allows other applications to access the same data concurrently. When the model is in normal mode, it accesses the model data directly, preventing other applications from accessing the data until the file is closed. Applications written for EPOC Release 5 or later should only use the model in client mode. Normal mode has been preserved so that applications written before EPOC Release 5 are compatible. The extended entry details (for instance attendees and location) which were intoduced in EPOC Release 5 can only be used if the model is in client mode.


CAgnEntryModelProvides the interface through which the data stored in an agenda file can be accessed
CBaseBase class for all classes to be instantiated on the heap
MAgnActiveStepBase class used in the derivation of CAgnEntryModel

Defined in CAgnEntryModel:
AddEntryL(), AddTodoListL(), Anonymous, BufferedDeleting(), BufferedStoring(), Cancel(), ChangeTodoListOrderL(), ChangeTodoOrderL(), CharFormatLayer(), CheckNotifier(), CommitL(), CreateL(), CutEntryL(), DefaultAnnivDisplayTime(), DefaultDayNoteDisplayTime(), DefaultDisplayTime(), DefaultEventDisplayTime(), DeleteEntryL(), DeleteLiteEntry(), DeleteTodoListL(), EAddTodoListAtEnd, EBlocked, EClient, ENoFile, ENormal, EOk, ESaveAsCallBackHigh, ESaveAsCallBackLow, ESaveAsCallBackMedium, EServer, ExportVCalL(), FetchEntryL(), FetchTodoListL(), FileVersion(), FlushAndCommitL(), GetDayListFromExtractorL(), GetEmbeddedStore(), GetInstanceExtractorL(), GetReadStreamL(), GetSymbolInstanceList(), GetSymbolInstanceListL(), ImportVCalL(), IsClient(), IsInUseObserverController(), IsValidL(), LastSynchronizedDateL(), ModelVersion(), NewL(), NumberOfObserversLoaded(), NumberOfObserversRegistered(), ObserverController(), OpenL(), ParaFormatLayer(), PasteEntryL(), PeekAtDeletedTodoListList(), PeekAtTodoListList(), PictureFactory(), PopulateTodoListNamesL(), RegisterAlarm(), RegisterObserverL(), RegisteredAlarm(), RegisteredIndex(), RollbackL(), SaveAsL(), SaveTodoListsL(), Server(), SetDefaultAnnivDisplayTime(), SetDefaultDayNoteDisplayTime(), SetDefaultEventDisplayTime(), SetEntryServer(), SetLastSynchronizedDateL(), SetMode(), SetParaAndCharFormatLayersL(), SetPictureFactory(), SetServer(), State(), StreamId(), StreamStore(), TModelMode, TSaveAsCallBackFrequency, TState, TodoListCount(), TodoListIdsL(), UnregisterObserverL(), UpdateDefaultEntryTimes(), UpdateEntryL(), UpdateTodoListL(), ~CAgnEntryModel()

Inherited from CBase:
operator new()

Construction and destruction


static CAgnEntryModel* NewL(MAgnModelStateCallBack* aStateCallBack=NULL);


Constructs a new CAgnEntryModel object, optionally with a pointer to a state callback object. The model's state is initialised to ENoFile and the model mode to ENormal.


MAgnModelStateCallBack* aStateCallBack=NULL

If specified, provides a callback function which notifies the user that the model is about to change state.

Return value


Pointer to the newly created entry model.


virtual ~CAgnEntryModel();


Frees all resources owned by the agenda model, prior to its destruction.


File operations


TStreamId CreateL(CStreamStore& aStore,const TDesC& aDefaultTodoListName, const CParaFormatLayer* aParaFormatLayer, const CCharFormatLayer* aCharFormatLayer);
TStreamId CreateL(CStreamStore& aStore, const TDesC& aDefaultTodoListName, const CParaFormatLayer* aParaFormatLayer, const CCharFormatLayer* aCharFormatLayer, TBool aCreateTodoList);


Creates an empty network of streams within aStore — overloaded function. The function returns the single root stream ID of the store.

These functions are identical except that the first variant creates a default to-do list with the name aDefaultTodoListName and saved with its ID being added to the model's list of to-do lists. The second variant only does this if aCreateTodoList is ETrue.

The model's state is set to EOk.


CStreamStore& aStore

A reference to the store object in which the model's data is stored.

const TDesC& aDefaultTodoListName

The name for the default to-do list which may be created. The maximum number of characters for the name can be found by using AgnModel::MaxTodoListNameLength().

const CParaFormatLayer* aParaFormatLayer

The paragraph formatting layer for the model's agenda entries.

const CCharFormatLayer* aCharFormatLayer

The character formatting layer for the model's agenda entries.

TBool aCreateTodoList

If specified, ETrue creates a default to-do list with name aDefaultTodoListName. If EFalse, it does not.

Return value


The root stream ID of the store.


void CreateL(RFs& aFs, TFileName aFileName, const TDesC& aDefaultTodoListName, const CParaFormatLayer* aParaFormatLayer, const CCharFormatLayer* aCharFormatLayer);


Creates a new, empty agenda file with a valid agenda stream structure, which can be opened by the UI without modification. Also creates an empty default to-do list.

Note that this function should be called before the model has been assigned a server pointer. If the model is in EClient mode when this function is called, a panic occurs.


RFs& aFs

A session with the file server.

TFileName aFileName

The name of the file to create.

const TDesC& aDefaultTodoListName

The name for the default to-do list which is created. The maximum number of characters for the name can be found by using AgnModel::MaxTodoListNameLength().

const CParaFormatLayer* aParaFormatLayer

Pointer to the format layer on which the paragraph formatting for entries in the model is based.

const CCharFormatLayer* aCharFormatLayer

Pointer to the format layer on which the character formatting for entries in the model is based.


void OpenL(CStreamStore& aStore, TStreamId aId, TTimeIntervalMinutes aDefaultEventDisplayTime = 0, TTimeIntervalMinutes aDefaultAnnivDisplayTime = 0, TTimeIntervalMinutes aDefaultDayNoteDisplayTime = 0);


Opens an existing model store, whose root ID is aId in the store aStore. Does not use the agenda server, so should not be called if the model is in client mode. If the model is in client mode, you should use the "Open named agenda file" variant of this function.

The three TTimeIntervalMinutes arguments specify the default display times for the different entry types. The display time values are numbers of minutes from midnight — between zero and 1439 inclusive. These values can be changed using one of the model's SetDefaultXxxDisplayTime() functions. The parameters specifying the default display times have default values of zero.



CStreamStore& aStore

The store in which the model's data is stored.

TStreamId aId

The root stream ID of the store aStore.

TTimeIntervalMinutes aDefaultEventDisplayTime

The default display time for events.

TTimeIntervalMinutes aDefaultAnnivDisplayTime

The default display time for anniversaries.

TTimeIntervalMinutes aDefaultDayNoteDisplayTime

The default display time for day notes.


void OpenL(const TDesC& aFileName, TTimeIntervalMinutes aDefaultEventDisplayTime = 0, TTimeIntervalMinutes aDefaultAnnivDisplayTime = 0, TTimeIntervalMinutes aDefaultDayNoteDisplayTime = 0);


Opens an agenda file using the server. If another agenda file is open in the same server session, it is closed. This function should only be used if the model is in client mode.

The three TTimeIntervalMinutes arguments specify the default display times for the different entry types. The display time values are numbers of minutes from midnight — between zero and 1439 inclusive. They all have default values of zero.


const TDesC& aFileName

The agenda file to open.

TTimeIntervalMinutes aDefaultEventDisplayTime

The default display time for events.

TTimeIntervalMinutes aDefaultAnnivDisplayTime

The default display time for anniversaries.

TTimeIntervalMinutes aDefaultDayNoteDisplayTime

The default display time for day notes.


TStreamId SaveAsL(CStreamStore& aStoreToSaveTo,MAgnProgressCallBack* aProgressCallBack, TSaveAsCallBackFrequency aSaveAsCallBackFrequency = ESaveAsCallBackMedium) const;


Saves the model's entries and to-do lists to another stream store. The model's state must be EOk when this function is called, otherwise a panic is raised.


CStreamStore& aStoreToSaveTo

The stream store to which to save the agenda model.

MAgnProgressCallBack* aProgressCallBack

Pointer to a progress callback object. The operation uses an active object. This callback provides progress information and information about how the operation terminated.

TSaveAsCallBackFrequency aSaveAsCallBackFrequency = ESaveAsCallBackMedium

Specifies how often the model should callback the user with the MAgnProgressCallBack::Progress() method. It should not normally be necessary to change this value from the default.

Return value


The ID of the stream store created by this function in which the model is saved.


void Cancel();


Cancels an active object driven operation, such as saving, merging or tidying.


Entry operations


TAgnEntryId AddEntryL(CAgnEntry* aEntry,TAgnEntryId aTodoPositionReferenceId = AgnModel::NullId());


Adds an entry to the model's store. If the entry is alarmed, the next due alarm is queued with the alarm server. The date/time of the entry's creation is set to the current date/time.


If the entry is a to-do, it must specify a to-do list ID to identify the to-do list to which it should be added.

The function notifies the model's observer controller that an entry has been added.


CAgnEntry* aEntry

Pointer to the entry to add.

TAgnEntryId aTodoPositionReferenceId = AgnModel::NullId()

If the new entry is a to-do, this argument is used to specify the position in the to-do list at which aEntry is added. aEntry is inserted at the position immediately before the entry with the ID specified. If this ID is null, (the default), aEntry is added at the end of the to-do list. The value is ignored if the entry is not a to-do.

Return value


The entry ID for aEntry.


CAgnEntry* FetchEntryL(TAgnEntryId aId) const;


Retrieves an entry based on its entry ID.


TAgnEntryId aId

The entry ID of the entry to retrieve.

Return value


Pointer to the entry.

Leave codes


This function leaves with KErrNotFound if no entry matching aId is found.


CAgnEntry* FetchEntryL(TAgnUniqueId aId) const;


Retrieves an entry based on its unique ID using the agenda server. The model must be in client mode before this function is called.


TAgnUniqueId aId

The unique ID of the entry to retrieve.

Return value


Pointer to the entry.

Leave codes


This function leaves with KErrNotFound if no entry matching aId is found.


void CutEntryL(TAgnEntryId aEntryId);


Cuts the entry identified by aEntryId from the model's store.

Cutting an entry is the same as deleting it, except that if the entry has a synchronisation count greater than zero, then cutting the entry preserves its entry ID and unique ID if the entry is subsequently pasted back into the model's store.


The function notifies the model's observer controller that an entry has been deleted.


TAgnEntryId aEntryId

The ID of the entry to cut.

Leave codes


If the entry cannot be found, the function leaves with KErrNotFound .


void CutEntryL(CAgnEntry* aEntry);


Cuts aEntry from the model's store.

Cutting an entry is the same as deleting it, except that if the entry has a synchronisation count greater than zero, then cutting the entry preserves its entry ID and unique ID if the entry is subsequently pasted back into the model's store.


The function notifies the model's observer controller that an entry has been deleted.


CAgnEntry* aEntry

Pointer to the entry to cut.


void PasteEntryL(CAgnEntry* aEntry, TAgnEntryId aTodoPositionReferenceId = AgnModel::NullId());


Pastes aEntry into the model's store.

If the entry is a to-do, its position within the to-do list may be specified using aTodoPositionReferenceId.


If aEntry's entry ID and unique ID correspond to those of the last entry to be cut (using CutEntryL()), then the entry's unique ID is preserved. Otherwise, calling this function has the same effect as calling AddEntryL() — the entry is assigned a new unique ID, like any other new entry.


CAgnEntry* aEntry

Pointer to the entry to paste.

TAgnEntryId aTodoPositionReferenceId = AgnModel::NullId()

If aEntry is a to-do, this argument is used to specify the position in the to-do list at which it is added. aEntry is inserted at the position immediately before the entry with the ID specified. If this ID is null, (the default), aEntry is added at the end of the to-do list. The value is ignored if the entry is not a to-do.


void UpdateEntryL(CAgnEntry* aEntry,TAgnEntryId aTodoPositionReferenceId = AgnModel::NullId());


Updates the details for the existing entry aEntry in the model's store.

If the entry is alarmed, its next due alarm is queued with the alarm server.

If the entry is a to-do and it is being moved from one to-do list to another, the position of the entry in the new list is identified by aTodoPositionReferenceId.


If the entry passed to this function has previously been marked as deleted, and its synchronisation count is now zero then the entry is fully deleted from the model's store.

The function notifies the model's observer controller that the entry has been updated.


CAgnEntry* aEntry

Pointer to an agenda entry which contains the updated details.

TAgnEntryId aTodoPositionReferenceId = AgnModel::NullId()

If the entry is a to-do, and the to-do is being moved from one to-do list to another, this specifies the position in the to-do list at which aEntry is added. aEntry is inserted at the position immediately before the entry with the ID specified. If this ID is null, (this is the default), aEntry is appended to the to-do list. The value is ignored if the entry is not a to-do, or if it is not being moved to another to-do list.


void DeleteEntryL(CAgnEntry* aEntry);


Deletes aEntry from the model's store. If the entry is a to-do then additionally, its ID is removed from the to-do list.


If the entry has a positive synchronisation count, it is marked as having been deleted but is not removed from the store. It is removed from the model's indexes, so is not visible to views, but can still be accessed using an entry iterator (see class TAgnEntryIter).

The model's observer controller is notified that the entry has been deleted.


CAgnEntry* aEntry

Pointer to the entry to delete.


virtual void DeleteEntryL(TAgnEntryId aEntryId);


Deletes the entry identified by aEntryId from the store. If the entry is a to-do then additionally, its ID is removed from the to-do list.


If the entry has a positive synchronisation count, it is marked as having been deleted but is not removed from the store. It is removed from the model's indexes, so is not visible to views, but can still be accessed using an entry iterator (see class TAgnEntryIter).

The model's observer controller is notified that the entry has been deleted.


TAgnEntryId aEntryId

The ID of the entry to delete.

Leave codes


If the specified entry cannot be found, the function leaves with KErrNotFound .


void DeleteLiteEntry(const CAgnSortEntry* aSortEntry);


Deletes a sort entry from the sort entry allocator (a specialised memory handler for sort entry objects). A sort entry is an entry in an agenda index. The function frees the sort entry object and puts it on the free list.


const CAgnSortEntry* aSortEntry

Pointer to the sort entry to delete.


CAgnSortEntryTable* RegisteredIndex() const;


Returns a pointer to the model's entry index. This index can be used to find entries which are the same apart from their entry IDs.

Return value


The model's entry index.


To-do list operations


virtual TAgnTodoListId AddTodoListL(CAgnTodoList* aTodoList,TInt aPosition=EAddTodoListAtEnd);


Adds a to-do list to the model's store and sets the to-do list's position in the model's list of to-do lists.

If the position is not specified, the to-do list is added at the end of the list of to-do lists. Specifying a position of zero indicates it is the first to-do list. If the position specified is equal to the number of to-do lists in the model, the new to-do list is added at the end. If the position specified is greater than the number of to-do lists in the model, or is negative, the function raises a panic.


The function notifies the model's observer controller that the to-do list has been added.


CAgnTodoList* aTodoList

Pointer to the to-do list to add.

TInt aPosition=EAddTodoListAtEnd

Position within the model's list of to-do lists at which to insert the to-do list.

Return value


The to-do list ID.


CAgnTodoList* FetchTodoListL(TAgnTodoListId aTodoListId) const;


Retrieves a to-do list based on its to-do list ID from the model's store.


TAgnTodoListId aTodoListId

The ID of the to-do list to retrieve.

Return value


Pointer to the to-do list.


CAgnTodoList* FetchTodoListL(TAgnUniqueId aUniqueId) const;


Retrieves a to-do list based on its unique ID from the model's store, using the server.

The model must be in client mode before this function is called.


TAgnUniqueId aUniqueId

The unique ID of the to-do list to retrieve.

Return value


Pointer to the to-do list.


virtual void DeleteTodoListL(CAgnTodoList* aTodoList);


Deletes all the to-do entries which belong to the to-do list specified, then deletes the to-do list itself from the model's store.

If the model has only one to-do list, this function has no effect.


The function notifies the model's observer controller that the to-do list has been deleted.

If the to-do list, or any to-do entry in the list, has a positive synchronisation count, the list or entry is marked as having been deleted but is not removed from the store. It is removed from the model's indexes, so is not visible to views, but can still be accessed using an entry iterator (see class TAgnEntryIter).


CAgnTodoList* aTodoList

Pointer to the to-do list to delete.


virtual void DeleteTodoListL(TAgnTodoListId aTodoListId);


Deletes all the to-do entries which belong to the to-do list with the specified ID, then deletes the to-do list itself from the model's store.

If the model has only one to-do list, this function has no effect.


The model's observer controller is notified that the to-do list has been deleted.

If the to-do list, or any to-do entry in the list, has a positive synchronisation count, the list, or entry is marked as having been deleted but is not removed from the store. It is removed from the indexes, so is not visible to views, but can still be accessed using an entry iterator (see class TAgnEntryIter). It is also added to the model's list of deleted to-do lists.


TAgnTodoListId aTodoListId

The ID of the to-do list to delete.


virtual void UpdateTodoListL(CAgnTodoList* aTodoList);


Updates a to-do list. A to-do list with the same to-do list ID as aTodoList must already exist in the model's store, and if so, it is replaced by aTodoList.


The model's observer controller is notified that the to-do list has been updated.

When a to-do list which has previously been marked as deleted is passed to this function, but its synchronisation count is now zero, then it is physically removed from the store and its ID removed from the model's list of deleted to-do lists.


CAgnTodoList* aTodoList

Pointer to a to-do list object containing the new details.

Leave codes


The function leaves with KErrNotFound if aTodoList does not already exist in the model's store.


void ChangeTodoListOrderL(TInt aOldPosition,TInt aNewPosition);


Changes the position of a to-do list in the model's list of to-do lists.

The two positions specified are indexes into the model's list of to-do lists, so should be specified as relative to zero, i.e. zero indicates the first position in the list. Specify EAddTodoListAtEnd to indicate the position at the end of the list. Both positions must be valid, or a panic is raised.


TInt aOldPosition

The position of the to-do list to move.

TInt aNewPosition

The new position for the to-do list.


void ChangeTodoOrderL(TAgnTodoListId aTodoListId,TAgnEntryId aTodoId,TAgnEntryId aTodoPositionReferenceId= AgnModel::NullId());


Moves the to-do entry with the entry ID aTodoId to the position immediately before the position occupied by aTodoPositionReferenceId. The to-do list affected is identified by aTodoListId. If aTodoPositionReferenceId is null (the default), or if it cannot be found in the list, then the to-do entry is moved to the end of the list.


A to-do instance list (CAgnTodoInstanceList) should be used to determine the position to which to move the to-do entry. This is because the user sees the order of the to-do entries as they appear in a to-do instance list. A to-do list (CAgnTodoList), on the other hand, may contain to-do entries which are not visible to the user (for instance if they are crossed out, and crossed out entries are not being displayed).


TAgnTodoListId aTodoListId

Identifies the to-do list to which aTodoId belongs.

TAgnEntryId aTodoId

Identifies the to-do entry to move.

TAgnEntryId aTodoPositionReferenceId= AgnModel::NullId()

Specifies a position in the to-do list. The entry identified by aTodoId is moved to the position immediately before this. If this is null (the default) then aTodoId is moved to the end of the list.

Leave codes


The function leaves if the to-do list specified cannot be found.


void ChangeTodoOrderL(CAgnTodoList* aTodoList,TAgnEntryId aTodoId,TAgnEntryId aTodoPositionReferenceId= AgnModel::NullId());


Moves the to-do entry with the entry ID aTodoId to the position immediately before the position occupied by aTodoPositionReferenceId in the to-do list aTodoList. If aTodoPositionReferenceId is null (the default), or if it cannot be found in the list, then the to-do entry is moved to the end of the list.


A to-do instance list (CAgnTodoInstanceList) must be used to determine the position to which to move the to-do entry. This is because the user sees the order of the to-do entries as they appear in a to-do instance list. A to-do list (CAgnTodoList), on the other hand, may contain to-do entries which are not visible to the user (for instance if they are crossed out, and crossed out entries are not being displayed).

If this function leaves, the contents of the to-do list aTodoList are invalid and the list should be deleted.


CAgnTodoList* aTodoList

Pointer to the to-do list to which aTodoId belongs.

TAgnEntryId aTodoId

Identifies the to-do entry to move.

TAgnEntryId aTodoPositionReferenceId= AgnModel::NullId()

Specifies a position in the to-do list. The entry identified by aTodoId is moved to the position immediately before this. If this is null (the default) then aTodoId is moved to the end of the list.


TInt TodoListCount() const;


Returns the number of to-do lists in the model's list of to-do lists.

This count does not include the deleted to-do lists.

Return value


The number of to-do lists in the model's list of to-do lists.


CArrayFixFlat<TAgnTodoListId>* TodoListIdsL() const;


Creates and returns an array of to-do list IDs for all the to-do lists in the model. The returned array includes deleted to-do lists.


This function is provided for use by synchronisation applications.

Return value


Pointer to an array of all to-do list IDs owned by the model.


TStreamId SaveTodoListsL(CStreamStore& aStoreToSaveTo) const;


Saves the model's to-do lists into the stream store specified. This does not include the model's deleted to-do lists. It returns the root stream ID of the stream store used.


This function is synchronous, so calling it on a model which has a large number of to-do lists may cause a few seconds delay before it completes.


CStreamStore& aStoreToSaveTo

The stream store into which to save the to-do lists.

Return value


The root stream ID of the stream store which was used.


TStreamId SaveTodoListsL(TFileName aFileName) const;


Uses the agenda server to save the model's to-do lists to the file specified. This does not include the model's deleted to-do lists. The file aFileName must already exist, and must not be read-only. The model must be in client mode before this function is called.


TFileName aFileName

The agenda file to which to save the model's to-do lists.

Return value


The root stream ID of the stream store used to store the to-do lists.


const CAgnTodoListList* PeekAtTodoListList() const;


Returns a pointer to the model's list of to-do lists. This pointer can be used to retrieve the model's to-do lists and their order.

Return value


Constant pointer to the model's list of to-do lists.


const CAgnDeletedTodoListList* PeekAtDeletedTodoListList() const;


This function returns a pointer to the list of deleted to-do lists. It is provided for use by synchronisation apps.


To get an array of the todo list IDs for all the to-do lists held by the model, whether deleted or not, use the function TodoListIdsL().

Return value


Ponter to the model's list of deleted to-do lists.


void PopulateTodoListNamesL(CAgnTodoListNames* aList) const;


Fills aList with the details (name, ID and sort order) for all of the to-do lists in the model's list of to-do lists (not including the deleted to-do lists).


CAgnTodoListNames* aList

On return, a pointer to a list containing the names and IDs of the model's to-do lists.


Format layers


const CCharFormatLayer* CharFormatLayer() const;


Returns a pointer to the character format layer used by the model's entries.

Return value


A pointer to the model's character format layer.


const CParaFormatLayer* ParaFormatLayer() const;


Returns a pointer to the paragraph format layer used by the model's entries.

Return value


A pointer to the model's paragraph format layer.


void SetParaAndCharFormatLayersL(const CParaFormatLayer* aParaFormatLayer,const CCharFormatLayer* aCharFormatLayer);


Changes the format layers used for the model's entries to the values specified.


const CParaFormatLayer* aParaFormatLayer

Pointer to the new paragraph format layer.

const CCharFormatLayer* aCharFormatLayer

Pointer to the new character format layer.


Default display times


TTimeIntervalMinutes DefaultAnnivDisplayTime() const;


Retrieves the default display time for anniversary entries. This value is initialised when the model is opened. It may be changed by calling SetDefaultAnnivDisplayTime().

Return value


The default display time for anniversary entries, as a number of minutes from midnight.


TTimeIntervalMinutes DefaultDayNoteDisplayTime() const;


Retrieves the default display time for day notes. This value is initialised when the model is opened. It may be changed by calling SetDefaultDayNoteDisplayTime().

Return value


The default display time for day notes, as a number of minutes from midnight.


TTimeIntervalMinutes DefaultEventDisplayTime() const;


Retrieves the default display time for events. This value is initialised when the model is opened. It may be changed by calling SetDefaultEventDisplayTime().

Return value


The default display time for events, as a number of minutes from midnight.


TTimeIntervalMinutes DefaultDisplayTime(CAgnEntry::TType aType,TAgnTodoListId = AgnModel::NullId()) const;


Retrieves the default display time for the entry type specified. If the entry type is a to-do, a to-do list ID must be specified because each to-do list has its own default display time.


CAgnEntry::TType aType

The entry type of interest.

TAgnTodoListId = AgnModel::NullId()

If the entry type is a to-do, (CAgnEntry::ETodo), this specifies the to-do list of interest.

Return value


The default display time for the entry type specified, or, if the entry type was a to-do, the default display time for the to-do list specified.


void SetDefaultAnnivDisplayTime(TTimeIntervalMinutes aDefaultAnnivDisplayTime);


Sets the default display time for anniversary entries.


TTimeIntervalMinutes aDefaultAnnivDisplayTime

The new default display time for anniversary entries, as a number of minutes from midnight.


void SetDefaultDayNoteDisplayTime(TTimeIntervalMinutes aDefaultDayNoteDisplayTime);


Sets the default display time for day notes.


TTimeIntervalMinutes aDefaultDayNoteDisplayTime

The new default display time for day notes, as a number of minutes from midnight.


void SetDefaultEventDisplayTime(TTimeIntervalMinutes aDefaultEventDisplayTime);


Sets the default display time for events.


TTimeIntervalMinutes aDefaultEventDisplayTime

The new default display time for events, as a number of minutes from midnight.


void UpdateDefaultEntryTimes();


Propagates changes made to the default display time for all entry types by a call to one of the SetDefaultXxxDisplayTime() functions to the server. The model must be in client mode before calling this function.




TAgnInstanceExtractor* GetInstanceExtractorL(TAgnDate aToday, TAgnFilter& aFilter);


Creates an instance extractor using the specified filter and date. An instance extractor selects entries from the model's index that match the criteria specified by the filter and date. After calling this function, the instance extractor can be passed to GetDayListFromExtractorL() which uses the extractor to return an array of TAgnSortInstance objects which match the criteria.


TAgnDate aToday

The date of interest.

TAgnFilter& aFilter

Filters the entry types.

Return value


Pointer to the instance extractor.


void GetDayListFromExtractorL(TAgnInstanceExtractor* aExtractor, TAgnDate aDay, CArrayFixFlat<TAgnSortInstance>* aDayInfoList, TAgnDate aToday);


Retrieves a list of instances for the specified day, using a previously set up instance extractor. Do not use this function if the model is a client of the agenda server — use RAgendaServ::GetDayDateTimeListFromExtractorL() instead.


TAgnInstanceExtractor* aExtractor

The instance extractor. This may be created using GetInstanceExtractorL().

TAgnDate aDay

The date for which entries are retrieved.

CArrayFixFlat<TAgnSortInstance>* aDayInfoList

On return, pointer to the filtered list of instances.

TAgnDate aToday

Today's date. Used to determine if undated to-do items should be returned in the list. i.e. if it has the same value as the aDay parameter, then any undated to-do items may also be returned as part of the instance list.


void GetSymbolInstanceListL(CAgnSymbolList* aList,TTime& aToday, TAgnFilter& aFilter);


Supported from 5.1


Retrieves a filtered list of entry symbols for the instances which occur within a month. The year and month of interest should be specified in aList.

A symbol list is a list of the days in a month which have entry symbols. The day is stored as a number (0 to 30) and each day can have a maximum of two symbols. The list is ordered by day number. The symbol list also specifies the month and the year.


CAgnSymbolList* aList

Pointer to an existing CAgnSymbolList object. Should specify the year and month of interest. On return, the list contains the entry symbols which belong to instances occuring within the specified month.

TTime& aToday

Today's date. Used to determine if undated to-do items should be included in the list.

TAgnFilter& aFilter

Filters the entry types of interest.


void GetSymbolInstanceList(CAgnSymbolList* aList,TTime& aToday, TAgnFilter& aFilter);


Withdrawn in 5.1


Retrieves a filtered list of entry symbols for the instances which occur within a month. The year and month of interest should be specified in aList.

A symbol list is a list of the days in a month which have entry symbols. The day is stored as a number (0 to 30) and each day can have a maximum of two symbols. The list is ordered by day number. The symbol list also specifies the month and the year.


CAgnSymbolList* aList

Pointer to an existing CAgnSymbolList object. Should specify the year and month of interest. On return, the list contains the entry symbols which belong to instances occuring within the specified month.

TTime& aToday

Today's date. Used to determine if undated to-do items should be included in the list.

TAgnFilter& aFilter

Filters the entry types of interest.




void SetLastSynchronizedDateL(const TTime& aTime) const;


Sets the date/time that the model was last synchronised


const TTime& aTime

The new date/time that the model was last synchronised.


TTime LastSynchronizedDateL() const;


Retrieves the date/time that the model was last synchronised, as set by SetLastSynchronizedDateL(). When the model is created, this date/time is initialised to null (Time::NullTTime()).

Return value


The date/time that the model was last synchronised.


Agenda server


void SetServer(RAgendaServ* aServer);


Sets the server to use for model functions and sets the model's mode to EClient.


The server must be connected (using RAgendaServ::Connect()) before you call a function which uses it.


RAgendaServ* aServer

Pointer to an agenda server.


RAgendaServ* Server() const;


Returns a pointer to the model's server object, as set by SetServer().

Return value


Pointer to the model's server object.


void SetEntryServer(CAgnEntry* aEntry);


Sets the server for an agenda entry to be the same as the server used by the model.

The server object used by the entry is set automatically by the model whenever the entry is fetched from the server. It should only be necessary for third party applications to call this function if they are creating an entry and attaching embedded data to it before adding it to the model.



CAgnEntry* aEntry

Pointer to the entry.


void SetMode(TModelMode aMode);


Sets the model's mode.

If the model uses the server, the model's mode needs to be set to EClient so that the model will use the server rather than directly accessing the file. Note that when a call to SetServer() is made, the mode is set to client.


TModelMode aMode

The model's mode of operation. ENormal, EClient or EServer.


TBool IsClient() const;


Returns whether or not the model is running as a client of the agenda server.

Return value


ETrue if the model is in client mode, EFalse if not.


TBool CheckNotifier();


Tests whether the currently open file has been updated by another client of the agenda server. May be used by the UI to test whether it needs to be updated in response to changes made to the model by other applications. It also should be called in order to avoid fetching entries deleted by other clients. This function is only relevant if the model is in client mode. If not, it returns EFalse.

Return value


ETrue if the file has been updated by another client. EFalse if not. Also returns EFalse if the model is not in client mode, or if no agenda file is currently open.


Stream persistence


CStreamStore& StreamStore() const;


Returns a reference to the stream store in which the model's data is stored.


This function is deprecated when the model is using the agenda server. This is because the model data should not be accessed directly if the file has multiple clients.

Return value


A reference to the stream store in which the model's data is stored.


TStreamId StreamId(TUid aUid);


Retrieves the stream ID for the specified stream UID. For use only by a client of the agenda server.


TUid aUid

The stream UID. This represents an application-specific stream which the client has created in the agenda file using RAgendaServ::CreateNewStreamL().

Return value


The stream ID associated with the unique identifier aUid. This can be used to access the stream, e.g. by calling RAgendaServ::GetWriteStreamL().


RReadStream& GetReadStreamL(TStreamId aStreamId);


Retrieves a reference to an application-specific stream in the model using the agenda server. For use only by a client of the agenda server.


TStreamId aStreamId

The ID identifying the read stream.

Return value


Reference to a read stream containing application-specific data.


CStreamStore* GetEmbeddedStore(TStreamId aId);


Retrieves an embedded store based on stream ID using the server. For use only by a client of the agenda server.


TStreamId aId

The ID identifying the stream store.

Return value


Pointer to the embedded stream store.


TInt IsValidL(CStreamStore& aStore,TStreamId aId) const;


Tests whether the store aStore with the root ID aId is in a state that is readable by the model, i.e. that the stream framework is in place and useable. It returns KErrNone if it is, otherwise it returns the error code generated by trying to load the stream network, (e.g. KErrEof).


This function does not check the contents of any entries in the model.


CStreamStore& aStore

A reference to the store object in which the model's data is stored.

TStreamId aId

The root stream ID of the store aStore.

Return value


KErrNone if the stream network is valid, otherwise the error code generated by trying to load the stream network.

Leave codes


May leave with KErrNoMemory as it creates the necessary objects, or one of the other standard error codes.


vCalendar support


void ExportVCalL(RWriteStream& aWriteStream, CAgnEntry* aEntry);


Withdrawn in 6.0


Exports an agenda entry as a vCalendar entity to the write stream specified. The entry is exported either as a vTodo, if it is a to-do, otherwise as a vEvent.


RWriteStream& aWriteStream

The stream to which the agenda entry should be externalised as a vCalendar entity.

CAgnEntry* aEntry

Pointer to the agenda entry.


void ExportVCalL(RWriteStream& aWriteStream, CArrayFixFlat<TAgnEntryId>* aEntryIdList);


Withdrawn in 6.0


Exports a list of agenda entries as multiple vCalendar entities to the write stream specified. The entries are exported either as vTodos, if they are to-dos, otherwise as vEvents.


RWriteStream& aWriteStream

The stream to which the agenda entries should be externalised as vCalendar entities.

CArrayFixFlat<TAgnEntryId>* aEntryIdList

Pointer to the array of entry IDs which identify the agenda entries.

Leave codes


If any entry in the list cannot be found, the function leaves with KErrNotFound .


void ExportVCalL(RWriteStream& aWriteStream, CAgnEntry* aEntry, const CVersitParser::TVersitCharSet aCharSet = CVersitParser::EUTF8CharSet);


Supported from 5.1


Exports an agenda entry as a vCalendar entity to the write stream specified. The entry is exported either as a vTodo, if it is a to-do, otherwise as a vEvent. The exported property values are converted from Unicode into the character set indicated by the last parameter (UTF-8 by default).


RWriteStream& aWriteStream

The stream to which the agenda entry should be externalised as a vCalendar entity.

CAgnEntry* aEntry

Pointer to the agenda entry.

CVersitParser::TVersitCharSet aCharSet

The character set into which the entry is converted before being exported.


void ExportVCalL(RWriteStream& aWriteStream, CArrayFixFlat<TAgnEntryId>* aEntryIdList, const CVersitParser::TVersitCharSet aCharSet = CVersitParser::EUTF8CharSet);


Supported from 5.1


Exports a list of agenda entries as multiple vCalendar entities to the write stream specified. The entries are exported either as vTodos, if they are to-dos, otherwise as vEvents. The exported property values are converted from Unicode into the character set indicated by the last parameter (UTF-8 by default).


RWriteStream& aWriteStream

The stream to which the agenda entries should be externalised as vCalendar entities.

CArrayFixFlat<TAgnEntryId>* aEntryIdList

Pointer to the array of entry IDs which identify the agenda entries.

const CVersitParser::TVersitCharSet aCharSet

The character set into which the entries are converted before being exported.

Leave codes


If any entry in the list cannot be found, the function leaves with KErrNotFound .


void ImportVCalL(RReadStream& aReadStream, CArrayPtr<CAgnEntry>* aEntryArray);


Imports a vCalendar consisting of one or more vCalendar entities. The vCalendar is read from the read stream specified and its entities are converted into EPOC agenda entries and returned in the array aEntryArray.


RReadStream& aReadStream

The read stream which contains the vCalendar.

CArrayPtr<CAgnEntry>* aEntryArray

On return, a list of the agenda entries which were imported from the vCalendar. The list contains the vEvents followed by the vTodos.


Model observers


void RegisterObserverL(const TFileName& aObserverName,const CAgnObserver* aObserver);


Registers an observer with the model's observer controller and calls the observer's StartObserving() function.

The observer's DLL is loaded only when the model is opened, so this function should be called before calling OpenL().


const TFileName& aObserverName

The filename of the DLL where the observer's definition can be found. Does not need to include the .dll extension. This may specify the full path, if the DLL is not in the standard location.

const CAgnObserver* aObserver

Pointer to the agenda model observer.

Leave codes


If an observer with the specified name is already registered, the function leaves with KErrAlreadyExists .


void UnregisterObserverL(const TFileName& aObserverName);


Removes the observer with the DLL name specified from the model's observer controller. Calls the observer's StopObserving() function.


const TFileName& aObserverName

The filename of the observer's DLL.

Leave codes


If an observer with the specified name is not registered, the function leaves with KErrNotFound .


CAgnObsController* ObserverController() const;


Returns a pointer to the model's observer controller.

Return value


A pointer to the model's observer controller.


TBool IsInUseObserverController() const;


Retrieves whether the observer controller is enabled or disabled. When the controller is initialised, it is set to be enabled.

Return value


ETrue if the observer controller is enabled, EFalse if it is disabled.


TInt NumberOfObserversLoaded() const;


Returns the number of registered observers whose DLLs are loaded.

This number can differ from the number returned by NumberOfObserversRegistered() because an observer is only loaded when the model is opened, but it can be registered at any time.


A loaded observer means that the DLL which it is implemented in is loaded. A registered observer means that the name of the observer is stored in the model and its DLL will be loaded when the file is next opened.

Return value

Return value


The number of registered observers whose DLLs are loaded.


TInt NumberOfObserversRegistered() const;


Returns the number of registered observers.

Return value


The number of registered observers.


Picture factory


MPictureFactory* PictureFactory() const;


Returns a pointer to the model's picture factory.

Return value


Pointer to the agenda model's picture header factory.


void SetPictureFactory(MPictureFactory* aPictureFactory);


Sets the model's picture factory.


MPictureFactory* aPictureFactory

Pointer to the model's picture header factory.




void RegisterAlarm(CAgnAlarm* aAlarm);


Sets the model's registered alarm.


CAgnAlarm* aAlarm

Pointer to the alarm to set as the model's registered alarm.


CAgnAlarm* RegisteredAlarm() const;


Returns a pointer to the model's registered alarm.

Return value


Pointer to the model's registered alarm. NULL if no registered alarm has been set.


Commit and rollback


void FlushAndCommitL();


Flushes the entry buffer and commits any changes that have occurred to the model.

This function is only relevant if buffered storing or deleting is in effect. Prolonged operations, for instance merging or tidying, do not update the entries in the model's store until the buffer is full. If one of these activities finishes before the buffer has had a chance to automatically update the store, then this function should be called to force it to do so.


void CommitL();


Commits any changes both to file and internally that have occurred to the model. This function differs from FlushAndCommitL() in that it does not empty the buffers.


void RollbackL();


Reverts the model to the state it was in after CommitL() or RollbackL() was last called, i.e. it deletes all entries which have been added, and reinstates all entries which have been deleted.


Buffered operations


TBool BufferedDeleting() const;


Returns whether or not the model is using buffered deletion for entries.

If buffered deletion is set, this means that when an entry is deleted, the agenda file is not updated immediately. The entry is marked as deleted in a memory buffer. The file is updated only when either every entry contained in the buffer has been marked as deleted, or when CommitL() is called (either directly or indirectly).

Buffered deletion and buffered storage are both unset when the model is created.

Return value


ETrue if the model is using buffered deleting, EFalse if not.


TBool BufferedStoring() const;


Returns whether or not the model is using buffered storage for entries.

If buffered storing is set, this means that when an entry is added to the model, it is held in a memory buffer and is not written to file. The contents of the buffer are written to the file when the buffer becomes full or when the buffer is flushed (this occurs when CommitL() is called, either directly or indirectly).

Return value


ETrue if the model is using buffered storage. EFalse if not.


Model version


TAgnVersion FileVersion() const;


Returns the version of the agenda model that was used to create the currently loaded file.

Return value


The version of the agenda model that was used to create the currently loaded agenda file.


TAgnVersion ModelVersion() const;


Returns the version of the agenda model being used.

Return value


The model version.


Model state


TState State() const;


Returns the state of the agenda model.

Return value


The state of the agenda model.



Enum TState



Model state


The initial state of the model before a file has been created or opened. Also the state of the model after an unsuccessful operation, e.g. after an attempt to open a file has failed. Many agenda model operations raise a panic if the model's state is ENoFile, for instance those which add, delete or update entries or to-do lists.


The model's state while it is carrying out a prolonged activity. Indicates that the model is not available for use and any attempt to use it results in a panic.


A file is open, and the model is ready for use.

Enum TSaveAsCallBackFrequency



This enumeration specifies how frequently the user of a save as operation (CAgnEntryModel::SaveAsL()) should be notified of its progress with the MAgnProgressCallBack::Progress() method. It should not normally be necessary to change the value from the default (ESaveAsCallBackMedium).


High frequency.


Medium frequency (the default).


Low frequency.

Enum TModelMode



This enumeration is used in the CAgnEntryModel::SetMode() function to specify whether or not the model is a client of the server.


The model is not using the server. This is the default.


The model is a client of the server.


The model is in server mode. A client program should never set the model to EServer.

Enum Anonymous



Miscellaneous constants.


Indicates the last position in the model's list of to-do lists.