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Location: mdaaudiooutputstream.h
Link against: mediaclientaudiostream.lib

Class CMdaAudioOutputStream



Supported from 6.1


The interface to an audio stream player.

The class is abstract with a static factory function that returns an instance of a concrete derived class. The concrete derived class is not visible to the user.

This class allows media server clients to:

The API supports callbacks from the server to notify the client:


CBaseBase class for all classes to be instantiated on the heap
CMdaAudioOutputStreamThe interface to an audio stream player

Defined in CMdaAudioOutputStream:
MaxVolume(), NewL(), Open(), Position(), SetAudioPropertiesL(), SetPriority(), SetVolume(), Stop(), Volume(), WriteL()

Inherited from CBase:
operator new()

Construction and destruction


static CMdaAudioOutputStream* NewL(MMdaAudioOutputStreamCallback& aCallBack,CMdaServer* aServer=NULL);


Static factory function that allocates and constructs an audio stream player and, if necessary, connects to the media server.


MMdaAudioOutputStreamCallback& aCallBack

A callback to notify the client when the sound device has stopped playing sound, when each descriptor has been copied to the server, and when the audio streaming object in the server has been opened. The caller must create a callback class which implements this interface.

CMdaServer* aServer=NULL

An optional pointer to a connected session with the media server. A NULL pointer is the default, which means that a connection with the media server is made and owned by the audio output player object. If not NULL, the client is responsible for the pointer and must delete it after use.

Return value


The new audio stream player.



Audio configuration


virtual void SetAudioPropertiesL(TInt aSampleRate, TInt aChannels) = 0;


Changes the sample rate and number of channels.

Writing to the stream must have stopped before you call this function.


TInt aSampleRate

The new sample rate. For possible values, see the TAudioCaps enum in class TMdaAudioDataSettings.

TInt aChannels

The new number of channels. For possible values, see the TAudioCaps enum in class TMdaAudioDataSettings.

Leave codes


Either the number of channels or the sample rate specified is not supported by the sound output device.

Panic codes

CMdaAudioOutputStream 6

The stream is not yet open.

CMdaAudioOutputStream 0

The stream is busy.

See also:


virtual void SetPriority(TInt aPriority, TMdaPriorityPreference aPref) = 0;


Sets the client's priority.

This is used to resolve conflicts when more than one client tries to access the sound output device at the same time.


TInt aPriority

The client's priority. The possible values are defined by the TMdaPriority enumeration.

TMdaPriorityPreference aPref

The priority preference. This defines the required behaviour if a higher priority client takes over the sound output device.

Panic codes

CMdaAudioOutputStream 6

The stream is not yet open.

CMdaAudioOutputStream 10

The new priority is not within the range EMdaPriorityMin to EMdaPriorityMax, inclusive.


See also:


virtual TInt MaxVolume() = 0;


Gets the audio stream player's maximum volume.

This is the maximum value that can be passed to SetVolume().

Return value


The audio stream player's maximum volume. After calling Open(), this is always equal to or greater than one.


virtual TInt Volume() = 0;


Gets the audio stream player's current volume.

The volume is initialised by the server when Open() is called. The client can then change it by calling SetVolume().

Return value


The current value for the volume.

Panic codes

CMdaAudioOutputStream 6

The stream is not yet open.


virtual void SetVolume(const TInt aNewVolume) = 0;


Changes the volume.

This can be called before or during playback.


const TInt aNewVolume

The new volume. Must be between 0 and the result returned by MaxVolume().

Panic codes

CMdaAudioOutputStream 6

The stream is not yet open.

CMdaAudioOutputStream 4

The new volume setting is out of range.


Streaming data


virtual void Open(TMdaPackage* aSettings) = 0;


Opens the audio output stream.

This function must be called before the stream player can be used. The stream is opened asynchronously, using an active object. On completion, MMdaAudioOutputStreamCallback::MaoscOpenComplete() is called.


TMdaPackage* aSettings

Contains the audio settings which are used to configure the device. This must be an object of type TMdaAudioDataSettings.

Panic codes

CMdaAudioOutputStream 8

The audio stream player is already open (Open() has already been called).


virtual void WriteL(const TDesC8& aData) = 0;


Writes data to the audio output stream, via the media server.

This function is asynchronous. When aData has been received by the server, the client is notified by a call to MMdaAudioOutputStreamCallback::MaoscBufferCopied(). The client can call WriteL() again before this notification takes place because the buffers are maintained in a client-side queue until they have been sent. An active object performs the notification, and copies the next item in the queue to the server. MaoscPlayComplete() is called when all descriptors have been sent.


const TDesC8& aData

A descriptor containing the sound data to send to the audio output stream.

Panic codes

CMdaAudioOutputStream 6

The stream is not yet open.


virtual const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& Position() = 0;


Gets the current position in the stream.

This is the amount of time the stream has been playing sound, as a microseconds time interval.

Return value


The amount of time played in microseconds.

Panic codes

CMdaAudioOutputStream 6

The stream is not yet open.


virtual void Stop() = 0;


Ends audio playback.

The function has no effect if the stream is open but playback is not taking place.

Any descriptors in the queue are discarded and MMdaAudioOutputStreamCallback::MaoscBufferCopied() is called with the address of the last descriptor sent and an error value of KErrAbort.

Panic codes

CMdaAudioOutputStream 6

The stream is not yet open.