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Location: w32std.h
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Class RWindowBase



Supported from 5.0


Client-side handle to a server-side window.

The server-side windows of handles derived from this class can be displayed on the device's screen, and associated with pointer events.

This class is not for user derivation; however derived classes form part of the standard Window Server client library.


MWsClientClassBase class for all classes whose objects are clients of the window server engine
RWindowBaseClient-side handle to a server-side window
RWindowTreeNodeHandle to a node in the server-side window tree

Defined in RWindowBase:
Activate(), AddKeyRect(), AllocPointerMoveBuffer(), CancelPointerRepeatEventRequest(), ClaimPointerGrab(), DisablePointerMoveBuffer(), DiscardPointerMoveBuffer(), DisplayMode(), EnableBackup(), EnablePointerMoveBuffer(), FadeBehind(), FreePointerMoveBuffer(), InquireOffset(), IsFaded(), IsNonFading(), MoveToGroup(), PasswordWindow(), PointerFilter(), Position(), RWindowBase(), RemoveAllKeyRects(), RequestPointerRepeatEvent(), RetrievePointerMoveBuffer(), SetCornerType(), SetExtentErr(), SetPointerCapture(), SetPointerGrab(), SetPosition(), SetRequiredDisplayMode(), SetShadowDisabled(), SetShadowHeight(), SetShape(), SetSizeErr(), SetVisible(), Size(), TCaptureDisabled, TCaptureDragDrop, TCaptureEnabled, TCaptureFlagAllGroups, TCaptureFlagDragDrop, TCaptureFlagEnabled, TCaptureFlags

Inherited from MWsClientClass:

Inherited from RWindowTreeNode:
Child(), ClearPointerCursor(), Close(), Destroy(), DisableErrorMessages(), DisableFocusChangeEvents(), DisableGroupChangeEvents(), DisableModifierChangedEvents(), DisableOnEvents(), EFadeIncludeChildren, EFadeWindowOnly, EnableErrorMessages(), EnableFocusChangeEvents(), EnableGroupChangeEvents(), EnableModifierChangedEvents(), EnableOnEvents(), FullOrdinalPosition(), NextSibling(), OrdinalPosition(), OrdinalPriority(), Parent(), PrevSibling(), SetCustomPointerCursor(), SetFaded(), SetNonFading(), SetOrdinalPosition(), SetPointerCursor(), TFadeControl

Construction and destruction


protected: RWindowBase();


Protected default constructor; creates an uninitialised, sessionless window handle.

Handles to server-side objects must be created in a session in order to be operational; this constructor is merely a convenience to allow the handle to be stored as a data member. See RWindowTreeNode::RWindowTreeNode() for details of how the complete setup of a handle field may be deferred until the window server session is known.


protected: RWindowBase(RWsSession&);


Protected constructor; creates an uninitialised window handle within a session.



Window server session.


Member functions


void Activate();


Displays the window and enables it to receive events. Calling this method on a window causes the window to receive a redraw event if it is a non-backed-up window, and should be called after a window has been constructed and initialised.

Windows are not displayed automatically when they are constructed. This allows them to be customised using SetPosition(), SetOrdinalPosition(), SetExtent(), etc., before they are displayed.


TInt AddKeyRect(const TRect &aRect, TInt aScanCode, TBool aActivatedByPointerSwitchOn);


Adds an on-screen key rectangle.

This function configures an area of the screen, given by aRect, to act as an on-screen key. Any subsequent pointer events within this area will be translated by the window server into key events with a scan code of aScanCode.

aActivatedByPointerSwitchOn indicates whether or not to generate a key event as a result of a pointer event that acts to switch the machine on.

Once this function has been called the window stops receiving pointer events (they are now received as key events). Pointer events outside the specified key rectangles are discarded.


const TRect& aRect

Rectangle to act as on-screen key, relative to window origin

TInt aScanCode

Scan code of key events generated by this on-screen key

TBool aActivatedByPointerSwitchOn

ETrue — a switch-on pointer event will produce a key event. EFalse — a switch-on pointer event will not produce a key event.

Return value


KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the system-wide error codes.

See also:


TInt AllocPointerMoveBuffer(TInt aMaxPoints, TUint aFlags);


Allocates a buffer for storing pointer movements.

The pointer move buffer is used by applications that need to process every single pointer move or drag event: for example, a freehand drawing application.

Normally, multiple drag events which the window server receives from the pointer device driver are translated into a single drag event. The single drag event incorporates all pointer events that occurred while the client was processing the previous pointer event. If the pointer move buffer is used, the window server stores all pointer events in a pointer buffer, and then delivers the entire buffer when it is full.

AllocPointerMoveBuffer() must be called before the pointer move buffer can be used. It would typically be called during window construction.

After the pointer move buffer has been allocated, the window server does not start putting pointer events into it until EnablePointerMoveBuffer() is called.



TInt aMaxPoints

Maximum number of pointer events the buffer can hold. This affects the frequency at which the buffer is flushed.

TUint aFlags

Obsolete argument: set to zero always.

Return value


KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the system-wide error codes.


void CancelPointerRepeatEventRequest();


Cancels a request for a pointer repeat event.

See also:


void ClaimPointerGrab(TBool aSendUpEvent=ETrue);


Claims the pointer grab from another window.

If a pointer grab is already in effect in another window, a window can claim the pointer grab from that window by calling this function. All subsequent events will be delivered to this window, up to and including the next "up" event. This next up event terminates the pointer grab.

This function would typically be used where clicking in a window pops up another window, and where the popped-up window wishes to grab the pointer as though the original click had been in that window.



TBool aSendUpEvent=ETrue

Whether to deliver an up event to the window that previously had the grab.

See also:


void DisablePointerMoveBuffer();


Instructs the window server to stop adding pointer events to the pointer move buffer.


void DiscardPointerMoveBuffer();


Discards all events in the pointer move buffer.

The window server subsequently continues to put new pointer events into the pointer move buffer as usual (if the buffer is enabled).


TDisplayMode DisplayMode();


Gets the window's current display mode.

Return value


The window's current display mode.


void EnableBackup();


Withdrawn in 6.0


Backs up the screen contents behind window.

If this function is called, the window server will make a backup of the screen contents that are overlaid by this window, whenever the window is activated or made visible. This is typically used for menus and dialogues, which temporarily overlay area of the screen, because it means that a redraw is not necessary when the window is destroyed or made invisible. A single backup is shared between all windows: therefore, the backup cannot be guaranteed to work, because another window may take the backup. Also, if something is drawn to the backed up window, the backup contents will become out-of-date and will be discarded.


void EnableBackup(TWindowBackupType aBackupType=EWindowBackupAreaBehind);


Supported from 6.0
Withdrawn in 6.1


Backs up the screen contents behind the window.

If this function is called with aBackupType=EWindowBackupAreaBehind, the window server will make a backup of the screen contents that are overlaid by this window, whenever the window is activated or made visible. This is typically used for menus and dialogues, which temporarily overlay area of the screen, because it means that a redraw is not necessary when the window is destroyed or made invisible. A single backup is shared between all windows: therefore, the backup cannot be guaranteed to work, because another window may take the backup. Also, if something is drawn to the backed up window, the backup contents will become out-of-date and will be discarded.



TWindowBackupType aBackupType=EWindowBackupAreaBehind

The type of backed up window.


void EnableBackup(TUint aBackupType=EWindowBackupAreaBehind);


Supported from 6.1


Requests that this window backs up the screen contents behind the window. Enables the caller to specify both types at once if that is what is required.


TUint aBackupType=EWindowBackupAreaBehind

The type of backed up window.


void EnablePointerMoveBuffer();


Enables the pointer move buffer for receiving pointer move events.

This function instructs the window server to begin putting pointer events into the pointer move buffer. AllocPointerMoveBuffer() must have previously been called, or a panic will occur.

As soon as the pointer buffer has at least one point in it, the window server sends an event of type EEventPointerBufferReady to the client, and the events can be retrieved from the pointer move buffer using RetrievePointerMoveBuffer().

Note: pointer move, drag and enter/exit events are not delivered to a window by default. An application using the pointer move buffer should use PointerFilter() to request that these events be delivered.

See also:


void FadeBehind(TBool aFade);


Sets whether or not all windows behind the current window, in the same window group, should be faded or unfaded.

This function can be used to fade all windows used by an application when a dialogue is displayed.

Fading works on a count basis. Fading increases the fade count, while unfading decreases it. If the fade count is greater than zero the window will be drawn faded only when it drops back to zero will it stop being faded.

This functionality is used to support nested dialogues. When bringing up a dialogue the rest of the application windows are faded. If an option is selected to launch another dialogue, the original dialogue is faded (fade count 1) and the remaining windows have their fade count increased to 2. When the dialogue is closed the fade count is reduced by one, which displays the original dialogue, but the remaining windows remain faded. They are only displayed when the other dialogue is closed and their fade count is reduced to zero.



TBool aFade

ETrue to increase the fade count of all windows behind the current window (within the current window group), EFalse to reduce the fade count.

See also:


void FreePointerMoveBuffer();


Frees the pointer move buffer.

This function should be called on window which calls AllocPointerMoveBuffer().


TPoint InquireOffset(const RWindowTreeNode& aWindow) const;


Inquires the offset between this and another window.

A positive value indicates a position to the right and down from aWindow, a negative value indicates a position to the left and up.


const RWindowTreeNode& aWindow

Another window tree node.

Return value


The offset of this window relative to aWindow.


TBool IsFaded();


Tests whether the current window is faded.

Return value


ETrue if the current window is faded, otherwise EFalse.


TBool IsNonFading();


Tests whether the current window is non-fading.

Return value


ETrue if the current window is non-fading, otherwise EFalse.

See also:


TInt MoveToGroup(TInt aIdentifier);


Supported from 6.0


Moves this window to another window group.

This function allows a window with a window group as its immediate parent to be moved from one window group to another one. The two window groups must be owned by the same client. The new parent window group is specified by it's identifier.


TInt aIdentifier

The identifier of the target window group. This is the value returned by RWindowGroup::Identifier().

Return value


KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes. An error is returned if an attempt is made to move the window between window groups in different clients.

Panic codes


The function panics if it is called on a window which doesn't have a window group as its immediate parent.


TInt PasswordWindow(TPasswordMode aPasswordMode);


Make this window the password window.

Only one password window can exist concurrently. Another window may take over as the password window if either (a) the current password window calls this function with aPasswordMode=EPasswordCancel, or (b) the current password window is destroyed.


TPasswordMode aPasswordMode

The type of password handling required.

Return value


KErrNone if successful, KErrInUse if this function is called when another password window already exists, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.


void PointerFilter(TUint32 aFilterMask, TUint32 aFilter);


Sets the filter which controls which pointer events are sent to the client session.

A pointer filter can be defined for each window separately, and changed dynamically. The default behaviour when a window is created is that move, drag, enter and exit events are filtered out and not delivered to the client.


TUint32 aFilterMask

Bitwise OR of values from TPointerFilter masking event types which will be updated.

TUint32 aFilter

Bits containing new values for the masked event types. A 1 bit causes the corresponding event to be filtered out, a 0 bit lets through the corresponding event.

See also:


TPoint Position() const;


Gets a window's position relative to its parent.

Return value


Position of this window's origin relative to the origin of its parent.


void RemoveAllKeyRects();


Removes all the on-screen keys that have been added to this window.

After this function is called all pointer events are delivered to the window — reversing the effect of AddKeyRect().

See also:


void RequestPointerRepeatEvent(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aTime, const TRect& aRect);


Request a pointer repeat event.

This function instructs the server to send a single pointer repeat event if the pointer state that caused the last event (e.g. EButton1Down) has not changed within aTime and the pointer has not moved outside aRect. Pointer repeat events are pointer events of type TPointerEvent::EButtonRepeat.

While the repeat is in operation all move and drag events within the rectangle are filtered out. The repeat is cancelled if the pointer moves outside the rectangle or generates any other pointer event.

A typical use of this function would be for a scrollbar, so that holding down the pointer results in a continuous scroll.


TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aTime

Time interval before pointer repeat event should be sent

const TRect& aRect

Repeat event occurs only if pointer is within this rectangle

See also:


TInt RetrievePointerMoveBuffer(TDes8 &aBuf);


Retrieves events from the pointer move buffer.

Use this function to get pointer events from the pointer move buffer. This function should be called when an event has occurred of type EEventPointerBufferReady (defined in TEventCode).


TDes8 &aBuf

Buffer to store events retrieved from pointer move buffer

Return value


KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the system-wide error codes.


TInt SetCornerType(TCornerType aCornerType, TInt aCornerFlags=0);


Sets the shape of a window's corners.


TCornerType aCornerType

Corner type to apply.

TInt aCornerFlags=0

Bitwise OR of flags indicating corners to exclude.

Return value


KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the system-wide error codes.

See also:


TInt SetExtentErr(const TPoint &point, const TSize &size);


Set a backed-up window's extent, relative to its parent, and returns an error code from the server.

See SetPosition() and SetSizeErr() for a description of the rules applying to aPoint and aSize respectively.

Avoid using this function for a window of type RBlankWindow or RWindow (i.e., not a backed-up window). Instead, use SetExtent(), which is more efficient as it does not return a value. However, if the window is a backed-up window, or a window of unknown type, SetExtentErr() should be used, because setting the extent of a backed-up window may cause an out-of-memory error.

This function may be called at any time after the window's Construct() function: the window's extent will change dynamically.


const TPoint &point

The position of the window's origin, relative to its parent.

const TSize &size

Window size.

Return value


KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the system-wide error codes.


void SetPointerCapture(TInt aFlags);


Sets the pointer capture state.

A window which has called this function can capture events that would otherwise go to other windows — normally pointer events are sent to the window at the co-ordinates where the event occurs. Capturing only works on windows which are behind the capturing window in the z order.

Capture can be enabled or disabled. If capturing is enabled a window will, by default, capture events only from windows in the same window group. A flag can be specified to allow it to capture events across all window groups.

Another flag can be used to specify drag-drop capture. This causes a drag-drop message to be sent to the window within which the pen was lifted. Drag-drop with a pen is a tap-drag-lift sequence.

Capture functionality is useful in situations where only the foreground window should receive events, e.g. in a modal dialogue.


TInt aFlags

Bitwise OR of flag values from TCaptureFlags.

See also:


void SetPointerGrab(TBool aState);


Allows or disallows pointer grabs in a window.

If the pointer grab is set ETrue, any down event in this window will cause a pointer grab, terminated by the next corresponding up event. All pointer events up to and including the next up event will be sent to that window.

Pointer grab can be used for drag-and-drop or other situations when you want the events delivered to the same window even though the pen will be dragged outside that window. This function is typically called during window construction so that pointer grab is enabled for the lifetime of the window.

Pointer grab is disabled by default.


TBool aState

New state for the pointer grab setting.

See also:


void SetPosition(const TPoint& point);


Sets the position of a window relative to its parent.

The co-ordinates given in point specify the position of the top left-hand corner of the window, relative to the top left-hand corner of its parent. A positive value indicates a direction to the right and down. Negative values are valid but will cause part of the window to be outside its parent's extent, and therefore clipped.

This function may be called at any time after the window's Construct() function: the window's position will change dynamically.

A window's position can also be set via the RWindow::SetExtent() and RWindowBase::SetExtentErr() functions.



const TPoint& point

The position of the window's origin, relative to its parent


TInt SetRequiredDisplayMode(TDisplayMode aMode);


Sets the window's display mode.

Each window can be given an individual display mode because some windows may require a greater number of different colours than others.

The default display mode of a window is dependent on the individual target device. The default mode may not reflect the full capabilities of the display — on some devices a simpler colour mode may be used as the default in order to save battery power. In these cases, this method may be used to request a different display mode on a per-window basis.

At any given time, the window server uses the highest display mode of the windows currently visible — and switches the hardware into that mode. Therefore, if an application contains a window with display mode EGray16, but only EGray4 windows are visible, the screen hardware will use EGray4 until the EGray16 window becomes visible.


TDisplayMode aMode

The display mode: can have any TDisplayMode value except TDisplayMode::ERgb (since this isn't a mode that screen hardware can ever take).

Return value


The display mode to which the window has been set. This is the closest display mode to aMode supported by the hardware.


void SetShadowDisabled(TBool aState);


Enables or disables whether a window casts a shadow.

By default, when a window is created, its shadow is not disabled. (But note that a shadow is only cast by top-level windows.)


TBool aState

ETrue if the shadow is to be disabled (not displayed). EFalse if the shadow is to be displayed


void SetShadowHeight(TInt aHeight);


Sets a window's shadow height.

This is the height that this window is above the window immediately behind it. The offset of the shadow's bottom right corner from the window's bottom right corner is the product of the window's shadow height and the system shadow vector.

A shadow is only displayed on top-level windows.


TInt aHeight

Shadow height. The default is 0.


TInt SetShape(const TRegion &aRegion);


Sets a window's shape arbitrarily, if rectangular windows are not required.


const TRegion &aRegion

Region defining window shape.

Return value


KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the system-wide error codes.


TInt SetSizeErr(const TSize &size);


Sets the size of a backed-up window.

A window's size is not constrained by the size of its parent. However, its visible region is, and the child window's visible region will always be clipped to the parent's visible region.

Avoid using this function for a window known to be of type RBlankWindow or RWindow (i.e., not a backed-up window). Instead, use SetSize(), which is more efficient as it does not return a value. However, if the window is a backed-up window, or a window of unknown type, SetSizeErr() should be used, because setting the size of a backed-up window may cause an out-of-memory error.

This function may be called at any time after the window's Construct() function: the window's size will change dynamically.


const TSize& size

Window size.

Return value


KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the system-wide error codes.

See also:


void SetVisible(TBool aState);


Sets the window's visibility.

This function can be called after the window has been created to dynamically change its visibility.



TBool aState

New value for the visibility.


TSize Size() const;


Gets the window's current size.

Return value


Current size of window.



Enum TCaptureFlags



Capture behaviour flags.

The first three flags actually control state, the remaining flags are

See also:


If set, capture is enabled, disabled otherwise.


If set, drag-drop events are sent to the window in which the pointer was lifted. Drag-drop is a tap-drag-lift sequence.


Capture events from windows belonging to any group, not just the group of the window on which the flag was set


Equivalent to disabling all the above flags.


Equivalent to TCaptureFlagEnabled.


Shorthand for the OR of the first three flags.